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#206412159Thursday, January 05, 2017 2:01 AM GMT

Washington Wizards: - Obezan: 21PTS - AuraBreak: 14PTS - 50sneakers: 70PTS - Bansor: 8PTS - Elite(benchrider): 0PTS - 3For3: 2PTS Brooklyn Nets: - Manny062: 30PTS - Wuggey: 15PTS - TazmanianKays: 30PTS - Supercell: 0PTS - WolfSSBB: 3PTS - Bezels: 15PTS Final Score: WAS(162/FFW) @ BKN(108/FFL) Player of the Game: 50sneakers ~No the stats don't add up to the actual scores, i'm sorry that I started the stats late but what a game, in the end it was a BIG blowout and a rage quit but that was a really good game. 50sneakers for MVP? Washington = best team?~ - BjGonnaWin/MisterMafiaa

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