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#206461178Thursday, January 05, 2017 9:19 PM GMT

Test Operator: PaintSession(Dr.Paint) Security Personnel: Vinexy Class-D:PenguinGamer9, Rotirogueiro Date/Time: 1/05/17 4:08 PM Site: Area-▅▅▅ 1. CD stepped into 035 Containment Area. 2. CD named Rotiro went and put on the mask, his body was under control and started to decay, terminated by SD Vinexy. 3. CD Penguin described the mask and said that the closer he was to the mask the more he wanted to put on the mask. 4. CD Penguin got closer and closer to the mask and had a strong urge to put it on, SD Vinexy took Penguin out of the Containment Area. 5. SCP-035 was contained and the test was concluded. Casualties: 1(CD Rotirogueiro) Finishing Statement: SCP-035 is very manipulative. It can reach into the minds of people and Urge them to put on the mask. Next time, it would be better to tell CD not to go near the mask when they enter the Containment Area. This test was beneficial to see what 035 does to a human body. It was also beneficial to know the radius and how strong the urge was to put on the mask and different distances.

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