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#206462990Thursday, January 05, 2017 9:47 PM GMT

Storyline: a group of peeps try to escape prison. Have fun!!
#206463390Thursday, January 05, 2017 9:52 PM GMT

I'm Grandpa and I singlehandedly took out an entire prison's worth of guards and prevented them from stopping prisoner breakouts for a solid 3 hours. actual story that happened not too(?) long ago. man that was fun spawnkilling nobs. and I got a great team supporting me too which was friggin' amazing. I am a darned commando right here yo.
#206464024Thursday, January 05, 2017 10:03 PM GMT

Josh: [sighs] life sure sucks at this place, huh. Tim: Life sucks, FULL STOP. Josh: Jeez... [looks over to see Rhona. Taps her loads of times.] Rhona: Go away. Josh: Hey Rhona, Hey Rhona, Hey Rhona, Hey Rhona, Rhona: WHAT? Josh: Whatcha doin'? Rhona: None of your business, shrimp. Josh: Please tell me...? [batts eyelids] Rhona: Fine. But you're not to tell aaaaaaaaanyone, OK? Josh: OK Rhona: I'm gonna escape. You ain't comin' with me. Josh: Pleeeeeease? Rhona: Fine. You don't go telling your buddies now OK? Josh: Yeah. [fingers crossed behind back]
#206469141Thursday, January 05, 2017 11:23 PM GMT

(Decent.) Me: I swear, I'm hearing ringing gunshot next to ringing gunshot. (eats saved breakfast in cafeteria during yard time)
#206472535Friday, January 06, 2017 12:16 AM GMT

this is why you wear ear protection when firing guns
#206474793Friday, January 06, 2017 12:45 AM GMT

I tasered a mall cop once.

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