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#206872828Tuesday, January 10, 2017 9:53 PM GMT

-Rules- 1. Respect higher level clearance members. They do have more authority. 2. Grammar must be used at all times, especially if you want to look professional. 4. Immaturity is not allowed but faces are. Immaturity could bring you closer to a demotion as it may lead to an abuse of power. 5. Report any common personnel problems to the Ethics Committee. Common personnel are Science researchers, medical doctors, and non-divisional members. 6. Report any military personnel problems to the Intelligence Agency. Military personnel are Mobile Task Force and Security operatives. -Class/Level Description- Class-D: _Class-D are death row inmates that are given the option to carry out their sentence in one month by aiding the foundation in hazardous test. At the end of every month the surviving Class D will be [REDACTED] to make room for the monthly new Class D. At the start of every month each wave of Class must be given an orientation. Class-E: _Class-E are personnel that are a potential threat to the foundation and are to be terminated as soon as possible or debriefed and reassigned, depending on their situation. Class-C: _L-0: Non-essential personnel that have no access to information regarding SCPs or Foundation affairs. This position is mainly for janitorial and non-secured clerical positions. _L-1: Very limited access is given to these personnel who have containment capability or handle sensitive information for the foundation. _L-2: This clearance level is given to trusted researchers and security personnel which gives them direct access to a limited number of SCP containment sites. _L-3: Clearance level is given to security officers and most trusted senior research personnel that require more access for their ongoing tests. Mobile Task Force operatives are given Level 3 security clearance. Class-B: _L-4: Given to trusted and experienced personnel, senior administration, Security and Mobile Task Force commanders. _L-5: Level 5 clearance is the highest achievable rank that is given to trusted staff members and divisional directors. _Site Director: They manage the site, and are the main developers of the group. Directors within the site will either report to the Site-Director and in return they report to the O5 Council. Class-A: _O5 Council: [REDACTED] Signed by: The Administrator - Creepy_Halo32 The O5-X - Prixaly

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