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#207016Thursday, October 25, 2007 10:34 PM GMT

Why do you need that? it makes the script only work with lower case. is there a way to get a script to use mixed case. i've tried using string.upper but it makes the script work only in uppercase. so does anyone know how to get a mixed case thing? P>S> i'm talking about talky scripts. -Bonito! To the world-
#74682491Monday, August 06, 2012 2:08 AM GMT

It would depend on what you were using it for, like if you were to make an admin door like so Admin={"Player"} function onTouched(hit) if hit.Parent:IsA("Model") for i=1,#Admin do if (string.lower(hit.Parent.Name)==(string.lower(Admin[i]))) then --just basic door stuff you could just remove the string.upper say i started on the 5th line where string.lower is used if hit.Parent.Name==(Admin[i]) then there you go, even though it is more accurate to use string.manipulation incase of the players name being lowercase or uppercase in the table it connects to, anyway i tested it, and posted it for you there. if you need anything fixed or need any more help or questions hit me up by PM! --Hope this helped! --Blankscarface23:)

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