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#207029384Thursday, January 12, 2017 8:08 PM GMT

Hello. We have gotten a lot of reports of banning at the basketball court and football fields. I am thinking about banning sports if I keep getting reports of people banning others on the sport's property. Follow these rules or you will be off the team/fired, or will be unadmined from WLHS. 1) Don't ban anybody if you don't give them a warning. IF YOU DONT FOLLOW THIS RULE: - Unadmined forever, - Possibly fired - Will not be trusted with admin 2) Don't admin abuse anybody or on the sports property. IF YOU DONT FOLLOW THIS RULE: - Unadmined for a while or forever - 3 warnings = fired - Will most likely be not trusted with admin 3) DO NOT disrespect basketball players or any visitors IF YOU DONT FOLLOW THIS RULE: - 3 warnings = FIRED - ALE for 1 day IF YOU DO NOT READ THIS MESSAGE WLHS ADMINISTRATION AND COACHES, YOU WILL GET 1 WARNING BECUASE THIS MESSAGE IS IMPORTANT. Thank you for reading if you have! - Alexander (WLHS Superintendent)

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