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#207731589Friday, January 20, 2017 9:11 PM GMT

they just embarrass America even more.
#207732393Friday, January 20, 2017 9:22 PM GMT

#207734052Friday, January 20, 2017 9:41 PM GMT

actually they will
#207734340Friday, January 20, 2017 9:44 PM GMT

i'm still confused why these people are protesting. what in the world are they protesting about? please explain to me if you know.
#207734473Friday, January 20, 2017 9:46 PM GMT

There have always been protests in America, lol. /ℯ ςαℸωℴღαη
#207734549Friday, January 20, 2017 9:47 PM GMT

even when america doesn't exist there are protests ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
#207734638Friday, January 20, 2017 9:48 PM GMT

Breaking things like animals are riots not protests
#207734696Friday, January 20, 2017 9:49 PM GMT

i guess blacks in the 60's didn't have anything to protest either, and should have just accepted their lesser role in society, right?
#207734971Friday, January 20, 2017 9:52 PM GMT

Y'all are taking this way out of context. I'm not talking about every protest. I'm talking about the people rioting in D.C. over Trump being elected.
#207734984Friday, January 20, 2017 9:52 PM GMT

@dead please don't tell me your comparing women not being "equal" as men as to ######## that's an insult to African americans, racist...
#207735134Friday, January 20, 2017 9:54 PM GMT

where did I ever mention the women's march? Two entirely different things there buddy
#207735295Friday, January 20, 2017 9:56 PM GMT

Nah dead just thinks marching with signs to get rid of ### #### laws is the same thing as destroying everything in sight because you're mad about an election
#207735519Friday, January 20, 2017 9:58 PM GMT

@dead your comparing a woman's march in FRKIN 2017 to black people equality protests. Sure you didn't say it specifically in your post, but it's implied considering the thread your posting on.
#207735546Friday, January 20, 2017 9:59 PM GMT

Nah, I just think the SF's attitude of "protesting won't do anything" is incredibly stupid and incredibly ignorant. If you're not gonna listen to peaceful protests, then yeah, you deserve to have your establishment burnt down lol
#207735579Friday, January 20, 2017 9:59 PM GMT

what does the womens march have to do with riots L0L
#207735614Friday, January 20, 2017 9:59 PM GMT

I'm not comparing anything. Lmao. Never on this thread have I mentioned the women's march, nice try though
#207735692Friday, January 20, 2017 10:00 PM GMT

nhl why are u implying stuff they are unrelated lmao
#207735812Friday, January 20, 2017 10:01 PM GMT

"If you're not gonna listen to peaceful protests, then yeah, you deserve to have your establishment burnt down lol" Stop watching CNN. These protests aren't peaceful. They've destroyed the glass in front of a few buildings and are burning things.
#207735912Friday, January 20, 2017 10:02 PM GMT

@case It sounded to me that he was trying to do something like this: Trump protests won't do anything mentioned. Says black people protest did something. I'm thinking he's saying the Woman's March (he was talking about it a lot so mb) is similar to protesting for equality in race. My bad.
#207736007Friday, January 20, 2017 10:03 PM GMT

Whose establishment is being burned down? These riots (not deserving of the term "protests") are destroying cars and stores and privately owned property in general. But I'm glad to see you think that's OK. Maybe you'd change your mind if it was your private property being looted and destroyed. Then again I guess it would be your fault for "not listening" or whatever
#207736234Friday, January 20, 2017 10:06 PM GMT

I honestly don't know what Trump has done which has made people mad enough to burn down things. Guess the "equality" a lot of these rioters want isn't really promoting world peace, eh? Plus, rioting is against everything MLK preached for (assuming some rioters are BLM peeps).
#207737101Friday, January 20, 2017 10:15 PM GMT

"I honestly don't know what Trump has done which has made people mad enough to burn down things. " golly well lets give a short list off the top of my head he's a predator who brags about assaulting women he has business conflicts all over the place that are still a problem he's still pulling in money from international businesses hosting foreign leaders (super illegal) he has questionable ties to Russia he spent the entire campaign threatening to jail his opponent he wants the military to have parades down the streets of DC, Philadelphia, New York, etc he appointed a climate change denier to the head of the EPA his VP##s##utspoken against LG######ights he's proposed a muslim registry is letting ivanka meet with world leaders to discuss business interests is taking credit for things he didn't do (ford plant) his hostile stance towards the media that doesn't agree with him is in favor of supporting war crimes and water boarding said a us born judge couldnt be impartial bc he's mexican believes that the families of terrorists should be killed is against the pro-choice movement should i go on or are u good
#207737208Friday, January 20, 2017 10:16 PM GMT

like hillary clinton hasn't done worse things okkkkk
#207737264Friday, January 20, 2017 10:17 PM GMT

"I honestly don't know what Trump has done which has made people mad enough to burn down things. " golly well lets give a short list off the top of my head he's a predator who brags about assaulting women he has business conflicts all over the place that are still a problem he's still pulling in money from international businesses hosting foreign leaders (super illegal) he has questionable ties to Russia he spent the entire campaign threatening to jail his opponent he wants the military to have parades down the streets of DC, Philadelphia, New York, etc he appointed a climate change denier to the head of the EPA his VP##s##utspoken against LG######ights he's proposed a muslim registry is letting ivanka meet with world leaders to discuss business interests is taking credit for things he didn't do (ford plant) his hostile stance towards the media that doesn't agree with him is in favor of supporting war crimes and water boarding said a us born judge couldnt be impartial bc he's mexican believes that the families of terrorists should be killed is against the pro-choice movement hes also a god dang racist and se#ist
#207737317Friday, January 20, 2017 10:17 PM GMT

lol dark hillary is much better and thats irrelevant right now anyway

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