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#207924371Sunday, January 22, 2017 3:55 PM GMT

-Skazian Roleplay Character- Name- Adarion Whisperwind Age- 49 Titles- King of Galerith Appearance- 6'5", Short well kept blond hair and a blond beard with Elvish blood given his tall stature, with red eyes. Bio- Born from humble beginnings, raised by a father who knew not how to raise a child, he spent much of his life in the forests of Traor, his father Justin Howell was much consumed with the politics of Galerith than to pay attention to him. Although Adarions father payed little attention to him he made it a must that Adarion be trained with a sword and trained in politics. After Justin Howell died and Adarion united the Howells and Whisperwinds Adarion became the High Lord of Traor and soon stepped to the throne of Galerith for the Thallers whom died off with no heirs. A secret was passed to Adarion by the dying King Erik that has been kept long held away from anyone since he was given it, it was revealed that a true Evergreen heir to the throne was alive and Adarion was to keep him alive so he could grow up to take the throne, which soon happened after nine years in waiting. Adarion stepped down as King-regent to the throne and Simon Evergreen took the throne. Galerith lost its way the King did not come out of his apartments, the Nobles presumed the King dead, a Council of Nobles came together to make decisions for the Kingdom and most of all to appoint a new King, after debate the former King-regent Adarion stepped up once again to lead Galerith into the fray. Adarions was last seen in the City of Langsted by the towns people while buying some fresh fruit and ale to be transported to his keep. --------------------------------------------------- Name- Elwin Morningjay Age- 38 Titles- Townsman Appearance- 6'1", Short blond hair, fairly tall in stature with brown hair. Elvish blood running through his veins, with brown eyes. Bio- Born a peasant, brought up into a world of Kings and Lords. Elwins life has been fairly quiet, though he hasn't been in the best terms financially, as a peasant it's really obvious, though on the bright side his father John Morningjay was a skilled with an axe, not felling men, but felling trees, this skill he taught to his son Elwin. Elwins last known location known by his father is in the province of Wackstock, but where in the province is unknown. His father is still searching for him. *Revision*

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