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#208109864Tuesday, January 24, 2017 10:05 AM GMT

In this Post im going to talk about the Nub Royal Family.For Those That Don't know a Nub (not saying the double o version cause filters)is a new player,not someone who killed you and these days that phrase is becoming less helpful as many Nubs are getting mature and playing nicely.Anyway back to the history lesson. 1074 the start of the Nub Royal Family. Nub bo the Nub (where the name came from)conquered in Modern Day America forming a Kingdom with him as a ruler.In the old days people had lots of kids but to keep things simple we say he had 3 sons Boiier,Nubber and.. Nub Ro (but he died before Nub Bo got to be king)Boiier would have been king but he was killed with a poisoned drink wich gave Nubber the crown.Nubber became King in 1245 (nubs have long lives) and he is known for creating an alliance with the humans.Going to 1362 Nubber died with no sons thus his cousin Nub Bo II got the crown.And he was killed 6 days later by Sula the first human that wanted nubs to be a human controlled race wich is still in many peoples minds today but he did not last.he died some years later in 1374 wich gave the last king's cousin,Nub Boi the Crown.Going to 1575 he died and had 14 children all of them either died or were killed but only 1 remained.That child's name was Nub Bo III wich got the crown and ruled until 1854 when the peasant's rose up and got the power making the Nub Republic wich lasted until next year when a dictator named Nubla took power and ruled until 1945 beacuse he supported Germany in WW2 and in WW1 too so these times were hard for the Nubs.And our old guys the Royal Family Took Power in 1946 while being exiled since 1854.Nub Bo III Took Power and in 1955 he finally made the Nub Empire into a Nub Anarchy Order where there are laws but the government has the final saying.But the government is a Congress where the laws are made by many different people wich means many people rule the country.The Nub Republic took some beats but it will get more rights in Robloxia.some time.. Hope ya Enjoyed :P
#208109916Tuesday, January 24, 2017 10:06 AM GMT

0MG S00 COOL !!!!1!11!
#208124697Tuesday, January 24, 2017 5:35 PM GMT

Cool Post.

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