#17153836Friday, November 27, 2009 11:02 PM GMT

*bobs ships*: *power down noise sounds as all the powers shuts off* *Roaring thunder noise blast* *this ships all shut off and all tech on board shuts down* **Meanwhile* Tiger: *climbs out of what left of a burning escape pod* *injured* *crawls over to derren* d-d...derren..*collapses* *Blacks out* *wakes up agian in about 15 mins* ugh...*starts to use electricity to jump start body* *manages to stand up* *looks around as fire blazes every where* *Sky bright red from the fire reflecting off the smoke* Tiger: *Tries to jump start Derrens body* Derren: *cough* t-tiger? Tiger: ...We did it...We did it derren... Derren: our mission is not over yet...*stands up* we still have many lives to save* lets find DJoe... EMP: EletroMagneticPulse, Shuts down all electricity in an area.
#17166851Saturday, November 28, 2009 3:19 AM GMT

Tristan: -contacting Derren- Hey! Derren: What the...? Tristan: It's me again! Derren: Tristan! You're alive!? Tristan: Of course, I knew what I was doing. It's not the first time. Derren: Tiger, I have good news. Tiger: Which will be followed by bad news... Derren: Not this time. Tristan's alive!
#17168168Saturday, November 28, 2009 3:46 AM GMT

Tiger: Thats Great! *cough* but how in the world are your electronics working? *cough* Tiger: It doesn't matter...we need to regroup with DJoe and get an evac.
#17184686Saturday, November 28, 2009 4:30 PM GMT

xobb- *slamming on the ships controls* CURSED MACHINE! ....but why can't i feel this....rage...? i have a reason...yet, without a heart...i really can't actually FEEL it....i can only act like it...but who am i fooling...? bob- great. powers down. ill take this space suit and move to cad's ship...*grabs suit and floats to cads transport ship* xobb- *sees bob* oh? what's this? so bob decided to come to ME? haha. cad- *slowly getting up* ur not...gunna win... bob- *opens the door* yo cad? wheres the power? cad? *sees cad's hat on someone in the piolets chair* cad! *walks over to 'cad'* the powers out on our ships....what do you think we should do? *the chair spins around and xobb is actually in the piolets chair with cads hat and pistols.* xobb- o bob. i didnt see you there. bob- *GASP* Xobb! What are you doing here!? xobb- im here to take everyone aboard and take thier hearts.
#17184859Saturday, November 28, 2009 4:34 PM GMT

Derren: Tiger, CCN does not use electronics. It's been a form of ancient communication used by our people ever since the dawn of time. It allows Heros to stimulate the ear bones directly, so only the ones with CCN can use it.
#17186678Saturday, November 28, 2009 5:23 PM GMT

bob- no! i wont let you! xobb- and what makes you think you can stop me? *points gun at bob* bob- now ur in for a suprise. *goes into shadow fomr* WHAAAAAAAAA!!!!! shadow- hey! look at this creep. who's mr. thinks hes fancy here? xobb- so u must be who i came from. because now YOUR in for a suprise. *also goes into shadow form, but with the other arm and opposite part of face* xobbs shadow- *sounds exactly like bobs shadow* hey look! It's like a doppleganger accept this one's hair makes him look super-sayen. (bshadow will be bobs shadow and xshadow will be xobbs shadow) bshadow- thats what i thought too! and ur creep looks like hes been stalking guys all day! xshadow- the worst part is he has! both shadows- XD XD XD XD XD!!!! bob- X( xobb- *smirking* and now. prepare yourself bob. *drops cads pistols and hat* and say your last words. *holds shadow arm at bob* bob- OoO.......X/ ...*puts shadow arm at xobb* no....it'll be a standoff.... *both bob and xobb stand in complete silence for a long standoff*
#17254412Monday, November 30, 2009 1:50 AM GMT

xobb- *giving a shifty look at bob* bob- ....*fires quick and barrell rolls* xobb- *dodges blast* *stretches shadow arm and grabs bob* take this! *slamming bob rapidly against all walls of the room and tosses him to the ceiling then watches him fall to the floor* bob- *completely wiped* ooo.... xobb- now. surrender so i may have your heart. and control your body and powers. bob- what exactly do you mean? xobb- once i take your heart, i will be free to exist. i will take over your body, both of the shadows, and you will be a forgotten memory. bob- no! Xobb! You would be a forgotten memory! It's how nobodies work! xobb- but i have more power than your ordinary nobody....im unstoppable...*picks bob up by the throat* so just give up. it'll be easier- *gets shot by laser blast in the back* AGH! *falls to knees* cad- *slowly getting up* jerk. bob- cad! You're alright! cad- *puts hat back on* yea. fine. *comlink* tiger? we have xobb up here. can you come up here and help us get rid of him?
#17255880Monday, November 30, 2009 2:17 AM GMT

cad: *sshshshhshshshs* Crap...Power is still down... *Mean while* Derren: I found DJoe! *runs over to him* **Tiger and Derren eventually get him alive and well** DJoe:...we need out of this waste land...and there is no power to get us out... Derren: *looks around at the burning rubble and dark smoke filled skies* Tiger: wait a minute...I can control electricty...let me try something*Sits down on ground focus* *consentrates power* *whispers* ...come on..come on...*Hands together* *Pulls them apart really fast and a blast of electricty explodes sending a blue wave of energy over the planet* *back at the ship* *Power turn on and the engines kick in*
#17270725Monday, November 30, 2009 8:44 PM GMT

cad- *sees power* yes! Powers back on! *comlink* tiger! We need your signal to bring the evacs back, and we have xobb prisoner up here too!
#17271392Monday, November 30, 2009 9:01 PM GMT

Tiger: Bring the prisoner and evac back...and the people won't be too happy...but at least they still have there planet...but almost everything is destroyed...the houses...the buildings...burning...but like I said...at least they have a planet.
#17283024Tuesday, December 01, 2009 12:47 AM GMT

bob- well they ARE heroes. Im sure they can re-build faster than mortal man. cad- im sure. but in any case, lets bring the evacs home. as for you xobb, we'll- .....xobb? *xobb doesnt appear to be anywhere* cad- *slams fist on the table* crap! he got away! bob- it's alright....we'll see him again....he's a persistant, yet powerful other.... *lower on the planet, a dark portal opens in a vast open plain miles away from anyone. Xobb stubbles out still tied up from cad and bob. as soon as he walks out, the portal closes again* xobb- *struggling* gotta get...out of this....rope....*snaps the rope* alright....so this'll be tougher than i thought. maybe i should call the organization for back-up. I didn't think id actually need them as much as they needed me.
#17294127Tuesday, December 01, 2009 4:18 AM GMT

Tiger: I did my job here...I am ready to finish the repairs on the Karma and get out of here...
#17305867Tuesday, December 01, 2009 9:31 PM GMT

cad- oh, we're ready to leave? bob- alright! we can go to other worlds again! we're not restricted here anymore! tiger. lets head back to what's left of the base. *everyone heads back to what's left of thier base. Few computers are still online, hangars are blown, and a fire in some parts is still burning. chinami is found still working on one of the computers* everyone walk into the same room as chinami bob- hey chinami. you miss me? chinami- with every bullet so far. bob- X/ cad- burn. tiger- like the planet. we need to go. wheres yuriko? chinami- she was going to go look for you guys. bob- didn't she know where we were? chinami- apparently not. she left a note saying she went in search for you guys. cad- but with that bang down here....WE NEED TO FIND HER! bob- ....O CRAP! YURIKO! NOOOOOO!!!! tiger- *comlink* All troops remaining! We must find Yuriko Ozora! She is your target! She must be somewhere in the nearby area! Report back to baseand inform cad, bob, chinami, or myself when you find her!
#17307373Tuesday, December 01, 2009 10:06 PM GMT

Tiger: WAIT! ...A heart beat sensor is still on line..let me send another pulse...*Sends a heart sense pulse* **every one stares readily at the radar** **nothing shows up* Tiger: No life on this side of the planet detected...chances are slim...
#17307476Tuesday, December 01, 2009 10:08 PM GMT

Tiger: If you guys wait around I can try to fix the DNA Tracker...Does any one have any of her DNA?
#17309130Tuesday, December 01, 2009 10:45 PM GMT

(for the record, the file TygerMcEldra is run by Tiger12220. So either one of them may post and be responsible for tigers character.) *everyone turns to bob* bob- WHAT? YOU AUTOMIATICALLY THINK I HAVE HER SOMETHING OF HER'S!? chinami- well do you? bob- yes.....*reaches in pocket and pulls out a small ziploc bag with a strand of long red hair* there. that's probably the best thing i can offer you at the moment. questions can be held to yourself. chinami- are you saying you have more than her hai- bob- I SAID NO QUESTIONS! chinami- if you tell me, i wont tell her.... bob- ....ok, yea...i have more than her hair... chinami- like what? bob- that seems more like a personal question. cad- dang, how far did you go for getting something that she owned??? bob- i have measures. if theres something i really want, im always determined to get it no matter what the costs. NO MORE QUESTIONS! Tiger! How long till the DNA tracker works again?
#17309907Tuesday, December 01, 2009 11:02 PM GMT

Tiger:....one....last....wire *shocking noise and the system boots up* ok...hair please... bob: *puts hair on analayzer* **Scan-------Scan------Scan: Location *shows location*
#17350513Thursday, December 03, 2009 1:19 AM GMT

bob- then again, thats where the body is. We wont know if its still alive or not. tiger- ill ready the troops for departure. bob- *grabs tigers shoulder before he walks away* no. im going. tiger- too risky. Ill need the troops that still have an op- bob- no. IM going. if anyone wants her to make it out of this planet, its me. chinami- no! itd be m- ...*just sits quiet and stares angrily at bob* just go. that way if she doesnt make it back i can blame you. bob- thanks for cooperating everyone, ill be on my way. *rushes out of the room* tiger- *pointing where bob just left* ....did he hear a word i said? cad- he was thinking about yuriko, do you think he heard a sound anyone MADE? chinami- she better make it back alive. and since bobs out there, when she makes it back, she better still have her- tiger- should i continue sending the troops after bob anyway? cad- i think he'll be fine. the nuke already went off, so masters work here is done. and we already chased of xobb, but we dont know his stratigies yet. tiger- ill just wait for bob then...
#17351359Thursday, December 03, 2009 1:34 AM GMT

Tiger:...if he some how survives PostNuclearRadation, He will at least get cancer...He is pretty much as good as dead out there...I mean...the metal on the ships is already starting to disinigrate to do all the radation...So whether he shows up or not, we leave in 40 minutes no matter what...or else we all die here.
#17353125Thursday, December 03, 2009 2:02 AM GMT

bob- *stops by troop armory* *grabs chemo-nuclear resistant armor* wow. that was close. i almost stepped outside like that. *runs out to find yuriko* ------------------ yuriko- *yurikos body is trapped under rocks, preventing her from getting affected by the nuclear radiation* bob- *this is the location. yuriko's body is under these rocks.....if shes still alive, i dont wanna risk having her get the radiation to her....what should i do? *shadow form activates* shadow- just give her the suit ur wearing! bob- but then i get affected. shadow- ill protect you with the power of darkness. you think i want the body im trapped in to suddenly start getting tumors? that would tick the heck out of me. bob- alright. go ahead and protect me. im going in. shadow- spreads a small darkness shield around bobs body* your good. i could hold this all day. bob- *removes the suit and puts it on yurikos body and carries her body back to base*
#17354413Thursday, December 03, 2009 2:26 AM GMT

*every one is getting ready for take off about the time bob gets back* Tiger: Welcome back aboard...Lets go...*ships take off* *The Septim is towing the Karma with a tractor beam*
#17355014Thursday, December 03, 2009 2:37 AM GMT

bob- *takes the nuclear suit off yuriko now that theyre inside the ship and safe from the radiation* yuriko! yuriko! are you ok? chinami- *listens for heart-beat and feels for pulse* im getting a small pulse. she's most likely in a coma. bob- im so glad. she's gunna be ok......im sorry yuriko. chinami- why are you sorry. bob- you said she came looking for us. that means all of this is our fault. chinami- are you blaming yourself for that? bob- yes. anything that happens to her, ill take as my responsibility. chinami- ....wow.... bob- alright. im going to put her in the medical station. cad. ask tiger if there are any problems with the flight so far and see where tiger wants to start heading. cad- *walks to go see tiger* bob- chinami, you can wait for yuriko to wake up if you want. i think tiger and cad may need my help. *puts yuriko in medical station bed* cad- so tiger. where are we headed?
#17357472Thursday, December 03, 2009 3:41 AM GMT

Tiger: *cad and tiger are the only ones in the room* ...*turns and looks at cad* ...HopeFully...To my wedding.... Tiger: I need to think of some special way to ask the question...and trust me, I already have the ring *Takes out ring* Its the most rare item in the universe, Comet Diamond...I made it into a ring...took me forever to make it, but its worth it. Cad: well, Bob knows most about other planets...lets go see him and see which planet would be most romantic.
#17384487Friday, December 04, 2009 1:43 AM GMT

cad- then again, dude. youre like 15. married at 15? how many times has that backfired? tiger- *shifts eyes at cad* i can do what i want. cad- hey, im not saying its a stupid idea, ......well i guess that is what im saying. tiger- WOULD YOU GO ASK BOB!? cad- *walks out* DANG! IM GOING! bob- *walks out of room* hm? cad? cad- *whispers everything to bob to keep the noise down* bob- *a look of shock goes across bobs face* isnt he like 15!? cad- dont bring that up, he apparently doesnt care. bob- well......id have to think about it....lemme see that holocron of the galaxy. cad- its in the middle of the room. bob- o yea. were in the septim.....*looks around* i forgot......*looks back at cad* did you know septim means "seven"? cad- is that important or are you stalling? bob- *opens galaxy map and starts searching through planets*
#17385382Friday, December 04, 2009 1:59 AM GMT

bob- ah. *points near the center* right here. in the corellian sector. cad- corellian sector? wont that be kindof crowded? bob- ah, but wait! It's in the Bortras system. A planet called Baraphant. This is a unique world from what i thought. cad- whats so unique about it? bob- well. It's alot like earth, like alot of planets are. Temprate with a breathable atmosphere. BUT, even though it's in the second largest sector of the galaxy, this specific planet has beautiful plains, large oceans, and isn't colonized! There's 46,000 people on that planet, and that's it! cad- wow! That's....very suprising! Nice choice! Tiger should find a goos spot on Baraphant. I'll go tell him. *walks back to piolet area* bob- *smirking* well aren't i just the love maker? *dancing* oh yea, i win. uh huh. cad- *walks in* hey tiger, bob found a really beautiful planet like earth that has a little over 46,000 people there. He said it's a great spot! What do you think?