#17385976Friday, December 04, 2009 2:10 AM GMT

Tiger: *to self* Do I seriosly look 15?
#17386181Friday, December 04, 2009 2:14 AM GMT

Tiger: Sounds great, and for the record...I am 19. Legends age very slowly until we reach the age of 30, then we stay at that age. Unless of coarse something dramatic cuases us to start aging again. Tiger: have bob come pilot the ship...
#17389156Friday, December 04, 2009 3:16 AM GMT

cad- ok...*walks out* bob. piolet the ship. bob- *walks in and takes the piolets systems from tiger* were all 14 and 15, and your 19, and apparently tristans 18. Never noticed all that age difference. (we'll have to sort it out once we get the real video series started. along with too many other details. lets try and ignore it for now and see how it plays out.) tiger- alright. ill be back. *walks out of the room* cad- *sits next to bob* you plotting the course? bob- yea. *pushing buttons* ........hm....that should do it...yep. prepare for lightspeed. *the ship flies into lightspeed and appears going through the stream* bob- man. hyperspace always seems so creepy. *spirals are wizzing by outside the ship making a weird effect* cad- yea. i never noticed it.....huh...
#17536259Monday, December 07, 2009 1:42 PM GMT

Tiger: *Relaxing in bed* *Watching some christmas specials* Syumi: Are going back to earth for Christmas? Tiger: I am pretty sure, I really want to. *nods* Syumi: So where are we going now? Tiger: Oh, Just running some errands. *Smiles* *Drifts off to sleep* Syumi: *Goes to pilot room to hang with bob* Hey bob! hows it going.
#17542060Monday, December 07, 2009 8:37 PM GMT

bob and cad- *totally leap forward and freak out cuz syumi isnt supposed to know about the proposal* !!! bob- *tries to pull of a "nothings happening" lie* oh. hey syumi! syumi- so tiger said we were running errands. whats that mean? cad- o yea. he said...uhmm....tell her bob. bob- what?! uhm...he said...uhmm....cad has all the details. cad- you set the auto piolet! bob- tiger told you where to go! cad- you cleared it up! bob- YOUR SKIN IS BLUE! syumi- HEY! What are you two hiding from me!? cad- o.o bob- hide? you think because me and cad are fighting over who should tell you, theres....something....to...hide? syumi- .......where are we going. now. bob- alright. no use. i can't lie to girls. Tiger wanted us to travel to the jedi temple so he could learn to be a jedi. syumi- there. straight tone. thats the truth. keep up the good work bob. *walks out of room* cad- DUDE! HOW DID YOU PULL THAT OFF!?
#17542234Monday, December 07, 2009 8:42 PM GMT

bob- experience. cad- wow....impressive. so when are we getting to that planet? bob- got a while. kick back again. *cad and bob lean back and bob falls out of his chair* *meanwhile, in the infirmary, yuriko is still recovering with chinami next to her* chinami- i didnt realize bob was to go this far with yurikos state. syumi- *walksin* whats going on? chinami- yuriko got hurt in that explosion on the hero planet. syumi- oh...poor thing...is she ok? chinami- i hope so. syumi- who helped her? chinami- well bob did. obvious answer for me. that kids a nut for her. he'd probably do anything for her based on previous events. syumi- hm? chinami- he got her out of a tough situation risking his chances at cancer, then when we moved her here, he promised anything that happened to her was his fault, and he'd share whatever her fate was. syumi- that's deep. for bob anyway.
#17542596Monday, December 07, 2009 8:54 PM GMT

Tiger: *Wakes up* *yawn* looks out windows *sees a ship flying by us about 4 miles away* hm...must be a transport to earth... Tiger: *walks into the Pilots room with bob and cad* hello guys... sits down at a Navigatation Computer* *Aim the scope at the other ship* hmm...oh!... Cad: hm? what is it.. Tiger: Nothing...(Its a pirate ship...its probally going to try to raid our ship soon) um..I will be right back *walsk out* Bob: *sits down at tigers computer* A ship? he was looking at a near by transport sh-*BOOM!* The Ship shakes Cad:Holy! Was that our artillery!? Bob and cad:*look out the window as a firely lazer flies towards a ship in the distance* *A hude explosion in the far distance shines* *they look at the computer and see firey Debris flying around where a ship once was shown* Tiger: *walks back in*
#17546699Monday, December 07, 2009 10:23 PM GMT

bob- o.o ...that was weird... cad- good work. hey! whats that? bob- *looks* hey! it's the planet! tiger- thats the place you were telling me about? bob- Baraphant. Yes. so do you know what you're doing? tiger- yea. me and syumi will be the only ones to leave the ship. bob- well alright. im gunna spruce the place up for christmas. We totally skipped halloween ya know. we need to start celebrating with all of this stress that travel and master keep giving us. *runs off* cad- ill just be here then. tiger- *goes to go get syumi* --- *the ship lands on Baraphant*
#17561782Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:29 AM GMT

bob- before i start, i should check on yuriko....*walks into infirmary* hey. how is she? chinami- i just checked. shes in a coma, but she's gunna wake up soon. bob- thats great. im gunna go straing some decorations around the ship. Lemme know when she wakes up. chinami- k. bob- *walks to storage with christmas stuff* *grabs huge box* ok, ill start with this grass stringy stuff. *runs line up and down the hallways* alright. so i can put lights on those....candy canes in the main rooms, and the tree can- *freaks out* O CRAP! WE DONT HAVE A TREE!!!!! cad- what are you yelling about? bob- *grabs cad by his coat collars* CAD! WE FORGOT TO GET A CHRISTMAS TREE! cad- big whop. we dont need- bob- *drags cad to coat closet and grabs winter gear for him and cad* ok, we told tiger we'd stay here. he needs to take syumi....but he'll probably go for the coast line, so we can go for those mountains with the pine trees, and we'll cut a good one down. perfect! *drags cad to the mountains*
#17586788Tuesday, December 08, 2009 10:09 PM GMT

*tiger and syumi are walking around on the planet* Syumi: This planet is to pretty to be a jedi training planet... Tiger: (Jedi Training? You guys know I hate Jedi...) Um...yea...Its to disgiuse it. Syumi: can we look aroung before you go train? Tiger: (Grr...stinkin' jedi) Sure! I was thinking the same thing my self! *They wander towards the mountians*
#17588203Tuesday, December 08, 2009 10:31 PM GMT

bob- cad, u see any good trees yet? cad- im not looking, but if i have to, what about that one? *points to a tall tree* bob- it wont fit.....hey! this ones perfect! *points to a ridiculously small tree, a.k.a. the one from the charlie brown christmas special.* bob and cad- .......... bob- im just kidding. ill leave it for some blockhead to pick up later. cad- theres one that'll fit in the main room! bob- sweet! let's get that one!
#17596497Wednesday, December 09, 2009 12:48 AM GMT

Tiger: *pulls out device* *teleports them to top of mountian that bob and cad are on* Syumi: Its so pretty!
#17600543Wednesday, December 09, 2009 1:53 AM GMT

tiger- *sees cad and bob* (didnt they say they were staying in the ship!? X( bob- *activates shadow form* alright. lets chop this one down! shadow- *slices tree perfectly in the trunk* bob- perfect! thanks shadow! shadow- what!? i did that right!? crap! *deactivates shadow form* cad- alright. lets haul it out. *connects cable lines to tree trunk and him and bob drag it toward the ship*
#17602551Wednesday, December 09, 2009 2:26 AM GMT

Tiger: (???....) lets go check out the beach! *teleports there with syumi*
#17645939Thursday, December 10, 2009 2:48 AM GMT

bob- *sets the tree up in the main room* ah. there we go. cad- looks good! im gunna take a nap. bob- ill put up some ornaments on the tree. *decorates the tree and singing carols* yuriko- ....*wakes up* mm? chinami- yuriko! your awake! yuriko- chinami-chan? where am i? chinami- your on board the septim! u passed on on the hero planet, and we flew here for tigers proposal for syumi. (which i'll kill her for...) yuriko- wow. too much happened while i slept, huh? chinami- yea....*looks at bob* hmm... yuriko- whats wrong chinami-chan? chinami- bob was the one who saved you ya know. yuriko- hm? chinami- he risked his health, possibly his life to save you. yuriko- really? wow. can't wait to see how i'll have to pay that back. -_- chinami- should i go tell him your awake? yuriko- ....*smiles* yea. go tell him.
#17665414Thursday, December 10, 2009 10:17 PM GMT

**Tiger and Syumi Spend the whole day out Exploring the awesome planet** **Its night and they are sitting on the edge of a cliff staring out at a calm sea, The Full moon reflecting perfectly off the water as dolphin's jump out of the water in the distance** Syumi: Wow, we spent the whole day out here, what about your training Tiger: I have been preparing all day actually... Syumi: Hm? But we have been having fun all day... Tiger: Well..I was preparing for something other than what you were told... Syumi : Hm? Tiger: *Pulls out a ring and proposes it to Syumi* Syumi, Will you marry me? *Mean While at the ship* *snow starts falling* *some crew members on break are outside have snow ball fights*
#17676185Friday, December 11, 2009 1:06 AM GMT

bob- snow! ED yay! cad- well look at that. it's snowing! chinami- bob! bob- hm? chinami? chinami- yuriko's ok! she's awake! bob- YAY! *about to rush away but gets cut between both* yuriko...snow...yuriko...snow....i choose yuriko. *runs off* cad- hm. i shall make snow men! They shall protect my fortress when we prepare for war! *starts building a fort* bob- yuriko! *rushes in* youre ok! yuriko- yea...i'll be up in a minute, i just woke up. *yawn* alright. *stands up* bob- *hugs yuriko* i was so worried! you got trapped ina mountain of junk and then you almost got cancer, and shadow had to protect me from it while you used my suit and- *keeps blabbering on and on* yuriko- is there a point to the story? *laughs* bob- yea. your ok. that's the best christmas gift i could ask for. E) yuriko- awwww! i guess i can meet you outside then? *waves bye and walks outside* bob- *hunches over* but if shes not fine by christmas, the second best i could do is a new cell phone i suppose. *shifts eyes*
#17678708Friday, December 11, 2009 1:38 AM GMT

yuriko- *sees snow* wow! it's so pretty! *the snow gently falls on the nightfall* yuriko- look at all the-...CAD!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? *cad is standing behind a huge fort 7' tall by 6' feet long by 5' wide* cad- IM PREPARING FOR A SNOW WAR! I know bob's gunna call one out...you should get ready if you know what's good for you. yuriko- thats ridiculous........*starts on fort* bob- *from inside the ship* SNOW WAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!! cad- i knew it....heeheeheeheeh.... bob- *runs out and sees cads fort* HOLY-! cad- are you ready??? bob- WHEELIE! TRANSFORM! wheelie- yay! my new app! *transforms into a snowball launcher* bob- *fires snowballs that pelt the side of cad's fort* cad- *dives under walls* SOMEONE HELP ME! IM UNDER ATTACK!!! bob- *gets pelted in the arm by a snowball* hey...? yuriko? yuriko- heehee. bob- you just keep getting cuter. *bob gets pelted in the side of the head so hard he does a side flip and lands on his back* chinami- STAY AWAY FROM HER BOB! (kindof in a joking tone...KINDA)
#17798463Sunday, December 13, 2009 6:00 PM GMT

*Tiger and Syumi walk into the scene* Tiger: Snow ball war! *jumps and rolls into the battle* *jumps up and throws a snowball* *Sniped chinami from across the field* Chinami: falls down* Cad: *gets done making tiny holes in the side of his huge walls to through snow ball through* *Fires on tiger* Tiger: *dodges and leaps up and starts climbing his huge fort walls* *gets hit in head when make it to the top* *Falls off* hey! *Runs up a tiny hill and rolls a snow ball towards cads fort* *it increases in size* Cad: *jumps out of fort and smashes the giant snow ball* HA! Tiger: *Sneaks into his fort while he does that* CAPTURED! *starts defending his newly captured fort* *throwing snow balls down hitting cad who is trying to take back the fort*
#17823052Monday, December 14, 2009 1:38 AM GMT

bob- *runs behind the ship and then makes stairs to get on top. Uses snow from the top of the ship to build a small fort and pelt on tiger from inside his fort* BOOM! HEADSHOT! HAHAHAHAH! tiger- *builds roof on fort* bob- WHAAAAAA-!? HOW THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT!? tiger- *continues his fight with cad* bob- alright tiger. ill take down ur fort the old fashion way. *jumps off and toward tigers fort* BANZAIIIIII!!!! *hits the roof and it makes a huge clang as bob hits the snow like metal* OW! What the heck!?!?!? tiger- i am teh pwnzor. bob- *punching the top of tigers fort trying to bust in* HERE IT COMES HERE IT COMES GET READY TO DIIIIIIEEEEE!!! ---Disturbed (down with the sickness)
#17824637Monday, December 14, 2009 2:08 AM GMT

Tiger: *Pwns cad and cad falls back to a defendable position and starts building* *laughing at bobs failed attempts* hahah!....HAHAH!!! what? *listens in* oh...*hears faded in the back ground down with the sickness* OH CRAP! *looks up a cracking roof* *stats building an escape tunnel*
#17850893Tuesday, December 15, 2009 12:07 AM GMT

bob- *still beating on roof after tiger escapes* MADNESS HAS NOW COME OVER ME! *busts in* hey! would you look at that! *far away from the war, a black hooded man stands watching them. he removes his hood to reveal it's xobb* xobb- look at them. playing happliy. this reminds me of my old friends back at the kingdom....everyone...from all those islands....and I brought them together....then i go back, and it was all gone. they didn't remember me, all of that was ruined....everything i had done....gone...ugh! Why am i going back to the past all of a sudden!? *a black portal opens up and another black hooded man comes out* ???- it's obviously a sign. xobb- xaldin. I was wondering if you'd show up. I called for help a long time ago bub. xaldin- *removes his hood* the organization heard. i'm here. what is it from your past that could help in your present? xobb-......the wand! i had the power to tear down buildings and re-build structures with that wand! If i go back to the kingdom and get that old junk back, i could rip those kids to shreads! Bob's mortality will be mine! xaldin- *opens another portal* shall we? *both of them go inside*
#17852936Tuesday, December 15, 2009 12:44 AM GMT

**Far away from everything, a brown hooded man stands watch at everything** **Pulls away hood to reveal a Priest named Martin** Martin: You shouldn't have done that...*Dissapears*
#17877105Tuesday, December 15, 2009 9:42 PM GMT

bob- alright. we need to get ready for our journey to earth! tiger! it's the 15th of december in earth time! We need to get back! tiger- Get the ship ready then! bob- *calls for everyone to get back to the ship so they can go to earth for the holidays* cad- so why are we going to EARTH to celebrate christmas? bob- why wouldn't we? cad- you tell me. bob- christmas originated from earth, it's our homeplanet, and we could get visited from santa! ED cad- SANTA!? YOU SERIOUSLY BELIEVE IN HIM!? bob- heck yea! santas awesome! Im sure he could pwn your butt in a day! cad- well like santa, FAT CHANCE! *steams off* bob- hmph. i'll show cad that santa's real. When we get home, santa will bring us presents, and cad will have to believe. *looks back* TIGER! YOU READY YET?
#17883564Tuesday, December 15, 2009 11:32 PM GMT

Tiger: Actually...The Night before Christmas...I am getting married...so we need to take off double time....*Sits in Captians chair* 8)