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#208434077Saturday, January 28, 2017 10:25 PM GMT

NYPD Patrol Services Bureau Guidelines NYPD Patrol Services Bureau is in charge of all regular patrol operations inside New York City. This Bureau is the largest Bureau in NYPD. Article I. Patrol Guidelines. Partners. All Officers are allowed to ride with a partner. Officers that choose to ride with a partner will be based on a merit system. Officers seen patrolling with a partner and patrolling the right way and doing the right thing will be possibly promoted (Depending on rank). This isn’t a requirement, but could benifite you in good ways, such as working together. Article II. Patrol Guidelines. Partner Duties Anyone that is acting as the partner of a NYPD Officer is to back each other up on things and never let your partner down. The partner is to assist the driver by working the radio and calling out on calls, traffic stops, agency assists and anything of the like. Partners are to assist each other on traffic stops and other police duties. Partners are to watch each other’s back and make sure they both go home at the end of the day. Article III. Patrol Guidelines. Uniforms. All officers are to wear either the uniform of their rank that they can purchase in the group store or wear the NYPD patrol jacket they can receive at the police department. Officers are NOT allowed to wear any uniform of another department/division (ESU, FDNY, DoC, EMS) while on patrol.Officers are also not supposed to wear any hats/headgear that has not been approved for duty use. Officers are also recommended to not wear any packages when on duty. Any personal caught wearing the non-authorized uniform while on patrol will be punished. Punishment may be a suspension and upwards of exilement if the offense continues to occur. Article IV. Patrol Guidelines. Radio Use. Officers are not to “chat” with one another via the police radio. The radio is to be used for official police/fire/EMS/ESU business only. Any other use of the radio is to be deemed as “obstruction of police operations” and that person shall receive a consequence by their commanders. Article V. Patrol Guidelines. Radio Codes. All officers are asked to attend a patrol tactics class and to learn the use of 10 Codes while on duty. These codes consist of the normal codes such as 10-4, 10-8, and 10-7 etc. 10 codes also consist of the response codes such as “Code 1”, “Code 2”, “Code 3”, and “Code 4”. Article VI. Patrol Guidelines. Squad Cars. NYPD Officers are only allowed to patrol via the use of the NYPD Game Pass Squad Cars, LR Sedan, MR Sedan and the HR truck for those that are allowed to drive it. Any officer caught patrolling or driving a non- NYPD car while on the PD team will be receive punishment. Any officer caught reckless driving will receive a 24-72 hour suspension depending on the severity of the case. Recruit Officers and Probationary Officers are not allowed to drive patrol vehicles. If these ranks are caught driving without an HR’s permission, they will be terminated from employment, and will have to retake driving test. Article VII. Patrol Guidelines. PD Team. Any officer on the PD team is supposed to patrol. Any officer that is on the PD team and is “off-duty” or “not patrolling” will be asked to join the visitors or citizen team. If they refuse, they will receive punishment according to their actions. Any officer that is on the citizen or visitors team and commits a crime and resets to the PD team to avoid/evade arrest, will still be arrested and a suspension/ban request will be placed on that officer. Article VIII. Patrol Guidelines. Punishment. Any officer that is punished while on duty can consist of many actions. These actions can include suspensions, demotions, blacklisting,physical training (jumping jacks or laps) or termination of your position in NYPD which is also the same as exilement. If you receive a punishment, you are not to argue or fight it. If you choose to argue or fight it, you have a possibility to receive harsher punishment. Artical VIIII. Patrol guidlines. Resonding to bank All officers are to let ESU breach the bank as that is their job, IF ESU is NOT online you may respond to the bank call, or if ESU needs back up. If they call for back up, you are NOT to breach unless asked, you are to secure the perimeter of the bank so the crimmimal doesn't excape.
#208819132Thursday, February 02, 2017 9:52 PM GMT

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible. 13,901 R$36 #poor
#208821272Thursday, February 02, 2017 10:22 PM GMT

quick get in he didn't lock posts!!!
#208822293Thursday, February 02, 2017 10:35 PM GMT

first nobody said it
#208825171Thursday, February 02, 2017 11:16 PM GMT

is this rping mmmMMm funny joke
#208908578Saturday, February 04, 2017 2:35 AM GMT

Okay, i have read this 1 million times. XD
#208911543Saturday, February 04, 2017 3:05 AM GMT

"Nothing personal kid" *Arrests you*
#208928260Saturday, February 04, 2017 7:01 AM GMT


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