Yes, I know. This has been suggested before, but who cares? I would like to see it regardless of whether someone has already wanted it or not.
Also, sorry to say it, but this is LONG. Expect to read for a few minutes at the most. ROBLOX wants us to give lots of explanation and details, so I gave them that here.
Everyone here may not have had the best experience about most of the updates that came out on ROBLOX. But... What if we, as the community, could vote? What if ROBLOX came up with two or so updates that would improve the game, site, or both, and then allowed us to vote on which one we think is the best?
How this would work is we would be able to either go to a different section of our site, or we would go somewhere on the ROBLOX blog, and ROBLOX would come up with some ideas for updates (And yes, they could throw in some of the best ideas from S&I in there as well, so don't worry about S&I becoming COMPLETELY irrelevant). These ideas would then be put in this "Voting" section, and, you guessed it, we would be able to choose what idea we feel is the best one. We would have... Say... At least a month, if not more time, for voting (Most likely, they would determine this time, not me, lol). And once again, you guessed it, the idea/updates with the most votes would be the next update that gets added to ROBLOX. Yes, it would take longer to add new updates, but in the long run, it would make users feel better about the ROBLOX updates by giving them a choice.
You've probably thought "If we add this, EVERYONE would say "No" to EVERY update, and ROBLOX wouldn't go ANYWHERE, because the community won't want to go anywhere," right? Well, this will come as a surprise to some of you... But there would not be a "No" option to this voting system. Yes. You read that correctly. If we had a "No" option, we wouldn't be able to update the game much. Most likely, LOTS of users would choose this "No" option if we had it, because they either don't trust ROBLOX from previous mistakes, or they just don't want ROBLOX to try to branch out and improve. Our only choice would be to choose the idea we think is the best. There wouldn't be a "No" option.
Also, you've probably thought "Well, people could use bots for unfair votes," right? Well, a CAPTCHA (Though it won't get rid of EVERY SINGLE bot and alt) will help with this issue. Users would have to go through a CAPTCHA before they can click the vote button, to reduce unfair votes. Also, only accounts with emails can vote (I know, it sounds horrible, but trust me, it would reduce the amount of unfair votes), to make sure that most ACTUAL accounts are voting, and not some alt made in seconds. There aren't many other solutions to unfair voting, since it would be difficult to keep alt accounts out, but other than that, only allowing users with emails to vote and a CAPTCHA should work fairly well (And maybe the CAPTCHA would slow down the people using alts, since they would have to fill it out EVERY SINGLE TIME they vote). We can't entirely get rid of alts and bots, but we can at least reduce the amount, which in turn will allow votes to be more fair.
Lastly (This sort of goes with the second paragraph), you've probably thought "Well, can we trust ROBLOX to come up with good updates/ideas after some of their past mistakes? Would they come up with bad ones?" Well, I am sorry to say... But yes, it's possible for ROBLOX to think of bad ideas/updates. They aren't going to come up with the best ideas EVERY time. Which is exactly why they should come up with multiple ideas (And include a couple from S&I), to raise their chances of coming up with something that the community AND ROBLOX can benefit from. That is also exactly why we should be able to vote for ideas that we think are good, to simultaneously improve ROBLOX while also making the community feel like they matter here. Trust me, if ROBLOX allowed the community to engage in some of the new updates, the new updates would feel much better to the community, and it would probably allow us to set ROBLOX on a path that benefits both sides without praying for the one-in-a-million chance that a moderator will even see the ideas, let alone consider them.
Yes, I know, there are still issues with this idea, even if you consider some of the solutions I have came up with (Such as the aforementioned alts issue. People would probably still be able to make alts, but it would be slow, since you would have to make new emails, and go through a CAPTCHA just to unfairly vote). But if this idea gets added, both the community AND ROBLOX would be able to benefit, since ROBLOX would be more likely to add ideas that the community would enjoy by allowing the community to choose the one they feel is the best. |