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#209381208Friday, February 10, 2017 1:06 AM GMT

Warriors By: #### ######## Chapter 1 SnakeVenom looked up at the sky drowsily. It had been a few moments since he became a warrior. The sun was starting to climb up in the sky, and the stars of ########## were fading. SnakeVenom yawned, ## he had been up all night for his vigil. GoldStar padded up to him. “You may rest now, SnakeVenom.” The tom dipped his head to the leader, then padded off to sleep in the warriors den. ########## a tabby she cat with dark grey fur, growled as he plopped down in his nest. “Watch what you're doing mousebrain!” She hissed. SnakeVenom looked hurt for a heartbeat, and then sighed. “Sorry.” He meowed, his jaws gaping in an enormous yawn. He tucked his tail over his nose and closed his eyes, just ## sleep washed over him. “Hey!” # voice called. SnakeVenom woke up with a start. “Are you gonna sleep till leaf bare?” It was ########## a beautiful all white she cat. “No, what do you need?” SnakeVenom meowed hastily. “CrowWing asked if you wanted to lead the dawn patrol.” She meowed, her amber gaze meeting his ice blue gaze. “Sure, maybe with luck, we’ll catch some fresh kill.” He purred. “Hey SnakeVenom!” ########## called. “Can you fetch me some herbs while you’re out?” He added. “Sure!” SnakeVenom ###### back. “SnakeVenom!’’ GoldStar yowled. “I would like for you to come to the gathering tonight.” He meowed, looking serious. “Ok!’’ He meowed, padding off to hunt. When the sun started to set, he returned with 3 mice in his jaws, dangling by their tails. “Come.” GoldStar was padding up the slope. SnakeVenom nodded, and dropped his fresh kill into the pile. He, GoldStar, Frozen##########rowWing padded towards the gathering cats. Chapter 2 “Let the Gathering begin!” Came the loud yowl of ########### the CloudClan leader. ########## dipped his head to GoldStar. “You may start us off if you wish GoldStar.” ########## meowed casualty. “Very well.’’ GoldStar replied. “RoseClan is doing fairly well. Prey has been running well. The borders are secure, and we also have a new warrior, SnakeVenom.” SnakeVenom felt his fur flush hot with embarrassment. GoldStar stepped back, careful not to fall of the ledge, just as BirdStar, the leader of LightClan stepped forwards. “Prey has been running well in DuskClan. We have a new deputy, ########## The borders are safe.” SnakeVenom’s fur began to bristle, he knew BirdStar was lying about the borders. BirdStar dipped his head, and padded back towards the others. “OreClan will go next.” Mewed GravelStar. “Prey and borders are doing fine, though there has been a few incidents with trespassers. Otherwise, OreClan have nothing to report.” SnakeVenom’s fur began to relax on his pelt as RedStar came forwards to speak for MoonClan. “Prey is plentiful in the clan, borders are secure, and there are no new warriors.” He meowed, his ice blue eyes revealing nothing. “Then the gathering is over.” Mewed BirdStar. SnakeVenom could hear the impatience in his voice. “RoseClan!” “Let’s head back to camp.” Yowled GoldStar. SnakeVenom shuddered wearily. Something in RedStar’s eyes reminded him of his bloodthirsty father, NightShade. GoldStar’s meow of annoyance in###########is thoughts. “Could you take the lead, SnakeVenom?” “Of course GoldStar!’’ He mewed##############ng up to the front of the line. As he padded back to RoseClan’s camp, one thought remained in his head. “What happens if I become like my father?” Chapter 3 The next morning, SnakeVenom was up early. “Let all cats old enough to pluck a bird from the sky gather around the ledge for a clan meeting!’’ He heard GoldStar yowl. He rushed towards the ledge, where he say the others cats in his clan gathering. “As you all know, I must appoint a deputy.” GoldStar began. SnakeVenom’s mind ######### instantly. “Couldn’t possibly be me.” He meowed silently. “I pray StarClan hear me and approve my choice.” GoldStar continued. “The new deputy of RoseClan will be-” He was ########## as a loud yowl sounded from the medicine cat. “SnakeVenom must be Deputy!’ ########## ###### at last. His clanmates squinted at him questioningly. “M-Me?!” SnakeVenom stuttered. “He’s only been # warrior for # moon GoldStar!” ######### called out. “Yes! I’m only # moon old warrior!” He added silently to himself. “StarClan have sent me # vision!” ########## retorted. “If you wish to challenge StarClan, the Warrior code mustn’t apply to you.” He added. GoldStar sighed. ‘’Very well. The new deputy will be SnakeVenom.” “SnakeVenom!’ The cats chanted his name deathly slow. “This is not good.” Thought SnakeVenom bitterly.
#209486884Saturday, February 11, 2017 1:49 PM GMT

Stop! You've been Gucci Mane'd, stand back.

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