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#209383273Friday, February 10, 2017 1:36 AM GMT

So, ever since you were a little kid you have felt like something was watching you. At around # ##### old, a form appeared in front of you. You became friends, and they would come to talk to you from time to time. When you were ## ##### old, they told you something you could understand. They said you were very special and could do many different things. They also said, if anything weird happens, say their name. When you are 12 you start to feel powerful and emotional, of course emotional feelings are normal at that age. You start to have weird dreams, and wake up in a cold sweat. One day, the weirdest of all happens. You can.... This game is based on elemental powers from the point of a 12 year old at the ######### and end up as a 15 year old with all elemental powers. There are four different elements at the begi########m the age 12 to 15; water, fire, air, and earth. Write a description as shown and answer the questions to find out what your basic power is. Name: Nickname ( optional): Preferred element: Horoscope: Short description of a special feeling: Birthdate: MONTH/DAY/YEAR For example.... Name: Katerina Nickname: Kat Preferred element: Water Horoscope: Pisces (fish) Short description of a special feeling: Loves fami######################################aid to stand up for herself and others Make any description you want, also it is optional if you want to add your Chinese horoscope. If you were born in 2005, for example , you are a rooster. Have fun RP'ing!
#209384166Friday, February 10, 2017 1:48 AM GMT

Do not forget gender for me it's: Gender : Female
#209384491Friday, February 10, 2017 1:52 AM GMT

Pounded/Hashtagged Revising your CS. Name: Gender: Element: Horoscope: Bio: Now much easier to look at.
#209410621Friday, February 10, 2017 12:30 PM GMT

Ok! Thanks for the advice I will do my best!
#209486660Saturday, February 11, 2017 1:45 PM GMT

Gucci Mane'd
#209486812Saturday, February 11, 2017 1:48 PM GMT

Name: ##### Gender: ####### Element: ### Horoscope: ##### Bio: # ### #### ## #### #### ### ##### # ## ### # ### #### ###
#209492586Saturday, February 11, 2017 3:25 PM GMT

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7-BX4bWYvg -blep-
#211449762Tuesday, March 07, 2017 12:48 PM GMT

I sit bored in my class, waiting for school to be over. I wish my little friend was here! I stare deep into space until the teacher calls on me. -Rats!-. "Katerina, can you help Thomas and the class?" "Sure" is my reply. "OK,what is the difference between 'colour' and 'color'?".... -Really they're teaching this to us in this grade? Super easy- "The difference is that they are both different spellings. For example, in Canada, our country, we say 'colour with an ou instead of just an o. In America, they say 'color' with and o and no u." -Yikes, was that to confusing?- "Great job Katerina!". *The bells rings*. -Thank goodness-. The teacher calls out: "Class dismissed, remember to do your homework!". -This is homework?.. Wow this is easy.- END OF ##### CHAPTER
#211524104Wednesday, March 08, 2017 1:18 PM GMT

As I start to walk out of the class, somebody runs up to me. -Really? Why are they here?-. It's my younger brother, Samuel. "Hi... Samuel." "Hi Kat! You know I don't like being called Samuel, I'm Sam. Anyway, guess what I got today!" -Ok, this is ridiculous. Those kids need to stop freaking out about stupid Pokemon cards- "Let me guess, a Pokemon card?" "Not just any card.... I got Mega Ray quazza EX!" -Is that even how you spell that in my head? Oh wait, ############## Wow so cool." 😑. "I know right!" -Did he not hear the sarcasm in my voice?- I decide to let the situation go. We walk 🏡. It feels like forever. At least I can go to my room and do my own stuff. END OF ###### CHAPTER I'm sorry for all the tags... it's happening a lot. I used emojis for house because, it tags up the word. Thanks for understanding!
#211524200Wednesday, March 08, 2017 1:22 PM GMT

Come join us in our RP group Enjoy RPing? You'll love it here! PM me!
#211680071Saturday, March 11, 2017 1:48 AM GMT

Chapter th ree: When we arrive 🏡 I walk in, take off my boots, coat, hat, mittens. I walk upstairs passing my dad who is making dinner. "Hey Kat! How was the ☝🏻ST day back to school?" he asks. "Ehhh" I reply. "Kat, you know what I hate. The attitude." My parents always say that. You see, it's been a problem for a while. I secretly roll my eyes. "Sorry dad. How was you day?". "It was ok. Lots of work to do. There seemed to be a problem with." His 📱 starts to ring. He finishes his sentence with: "stuff at work. Give me a moment, I need to take this ca" He works for Rogers, a company that is for your devices to call, message, watch videos and more. I try to advertise Rogers as much as possible for no good reason. I always hear him say the word 'NOC'.C'. I think it means some group or something. I walk away, leaving my dad cooking and speaking to his 📱 I go to my room and start on homework right away. I look at the homework sheet. Pff this is easy. I jot down all my work in thi rty minutes, leaving me enough time to set the table, clean some dishes so it's less work after, and then... my favourite word. RELAX. Ahh that word is so soothing. I decide to send a message Jessica, my fri *Hey Je I'm playing Roblox ya wanna join. I will join you.* Her reply:*Sure. Gimme a moment* I met Jessica this school year and formed a strong bond with her over a small time of ✌🏻months. Yup. ✌🏻.Months. She reminds me of my old school friends from last year, Samantha. Sigh, how I miss those days. END I hope you are enjoying this story so far and hope you start making your own!our own!
#211680142Saturday, March 11, 2017 1:49 AM GMT

More line spacing. Enter key.
#211732774Saturday, March 11, 2017 9:03 PM GMT

Ok, thanks for the feedback! I'm on mobile, so when I try to type in an enter, it doesn't work. I need to find my Bluetooth keyboard in order to make enters. Thanks for your feedback again, and now I am on a search for my keyboard!
#211733330Saturday, March 11, 2017 9:10 PM GMT

It would seem interesting to understand what the load of tags means, try to enter similar words. For things you can't find other words for like your birthday or name do something like this: N*a*m*e: K*a*t and Birthday: Ma*rch (number) o*ne. Seems very weird but, as long as you do that I can. Understand what you are saying. Start roleplaying anyway. It's not a big deal right now. Trust me, it takes me a while to edit my chapters of the story.
#211733449Saturday, March 11, 2017 9:11 PM GMT

Double enter key presses and checking for hashtags should fix that. Lineskip.
#211733472Saturday, March 11, 2017 9:12 PM GMT

After searching for not long, I have managed to find the keyboard. It was in a box in my room. Just switched rooms if you're wondering. XD
#211733545Saturday, March 11, 2017 9:13 PM GMT

That's good to know! Thanks a lot. You are a great help towards my forums. Thanks!
#211733634Saturday, March 11, 2017 9:14 PM GMT

Would you like to roleplay? You don't have to.

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