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#209470627Saturday, February 11, 2017 7:06 AM GMT

5. Suspensions The New Suspension System (The Gh0stRecon49 Rule) -This season, there will be a legit suspension system For every PGHL OR HHCL infraction you make, the susp. system adds +10 (for alts), +20 (throwing), +5/+10 (bribes), +25 (DDOS WITH PROOF), +1 season (exploiting) Lets say someone like NYY2, gets suspended for using an alt account, but since he has 0 infractions in the past, he serves the normal 10 GP. Lets also say that Gh0st gets suspended again, since he committed 3 infra rule states its 10 games not 5
#209470654Saturday, February 11, 2017 7:07 AM GMT

not 15

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