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#209555275Sunday, February 12, 2017 4:28 AM GMT

I think that having the option to integrate Torque 3D Rendering System with ROBLOX Games would be cool. For those who don't know what a render engine is, it's essentially the thing that makes a bunch of code a picture on your computer screen. I was thinking that ROBLOX could get a more sophisticated render engine that can actually handle shadows and reflections in real time. At the moment, ROBLOX is extremely behind in their graphics department, and it makes me want to throw myself off a cliff. Anyways, even a post-rendering modifier would be nice. Something to up the contrast. I guess you can already do this with a color correction effect, but bottom line is, you guys need to get up the curve. Sincerely, big
#209555668Sunday, February 12, 2017 4:32 AM GMT

Very good suggestion. Support.

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