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#209559844Sunday, February 12, 2017 5:12 AM GMT

So for this game I wanted playing soccer to feel most loose and not too rigid or mechanical, the controls reflect this and should be pretty easy to understand: - Dribbling: To dribble simply get close to the ball (around 3-5 Studs) and click it. It will then travel in the direction your player is facing, if you want to dribble in consecutive manner you'll have to keep move along with the ball and clicking it whenever you re-enter the dribbling range. You may also bring the ball to a stop by mere touching it with your foot. - Shooting: To shoot first you must charge your shoot meter by pressing "Q" the bar will rise and fall until you release "Q" to confirm your shooting power. Once that is done you simply need to click the ball and send it flying! - Goal Keeping: Being a keeper means you're allowed to use any part of your body to stop the ball from entering your team's goal. To accomplish the keeper, by clicking "Z" or "C" to do lateral dives to the Left or Right, respectively. They may also click "X" to dive forward to capture a loose ball. **PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS CONTROLS ARE IN NO WAY PERMANENT AND WILL CHANGE AS THE GAME EVOLVES!!**

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