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#209575835Sunday, February 12, 2017 9:22 AM GMT

The State Limitation Bill [CONTENTS] [1] Introduction [2] Reasons Why Congress Should Limit The Amount States A Citizen May Enter [3] Conclusion [END OF CONTENTS] ------------------------------ [1] Introduction This bill shall be known as the "State Limitation Bill." The bill will limit the amount of states a cit#zen may enter to one. In other words, a per#on may only be in one state. [2] Reasons Why Congress Should Limit The Amount States A Citizen May Enter Many people who are elected into congress join multiple states in order to gain more power. A few people are in all of the official states. This causes confusion and defeats the purpose of the State Bill, which allows citizens to create and join states if the state is approved by congress and the POTUS. Joining more than 2 states causes power issues, confusion, and corruption. If we're trying to be realistic, which is why the State Bill was created, then why are people allowed to join 2 or 3 states? [3] Conclusion One week after the passing of this bill, all citizens found in more than one state shall be made an immigrant in all of their states until the person is only in one group. This bill will remove confusion between founders, corruption of HRs, and power issues. Backbreaker12 [Rockfield Senator]
#209605118Sunday, February 12, 2017 7:02 PM GMT

#209605369Sunday, February 12, 2017 7:04 PM GMT

#209650207Monday, February 13, 2017 2:36 AM GMT

no no no no not at all btw post this in the subforum c&g pls ill beat u up 👊👊👊

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