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#209686926Monday, February 13, 2017 1:03 PM GMT

Graven County Jail Teams:// Inmate - An inmate is someone who is serving time for committing a crime in the outside world there for they have been sent to Graven County Prison to be Rehabilitated. Correctional Officer - A Correctional Officer works in the prison protecting the inmates from any harm. They have the right tools to defend themselves incase an Inmate's. They have authority over the Inmates they can serve punishments if an Inmate plays up. Emergency Response Team - Emergency Response Team are Correctional Officers but more advance they are trained to deal with riots and out of control fights. if a CO cant control an Inmate the ERT get called, If ERT get called to deal with an Inmate they can be sent to Ad Seg and depending on the crime be sentenced to Death Row. Administration Team - The Administration Team help run the prison, They are NOT Correctional Officers they have no power over the Inmates what so ever so an Inmate can refuse to do something they ask and not face Punishment. The Admin Team are there to look out for people trolling and causing problems in games they are there purely to protect the server. * If the Admin is also a Co#rectional Officer they will only be set as A##in in the Administration Team group but put as a##o#rectional Officer in the main group* *NEW ROLES COMING SOON :) SNEAK PEEK BELOW NEW ROLES COMING- TPO- Well known as Tactical Prison Officer ( They are like ERT But they Patrol outside the Prison walls they are specialised in Prison Break-Outs.\Coming Soon/ Lawyer - They will be able to get Inmates Off Death Row \Coming Soon/ Chief - Later on through out the game as we gain more players we will remove the Automatic Serving system to give some Inmates jobs. They will be Respected Inmates who receive jobs. \Coming Soon/ Graven County Board - There role is to deal with Complaints so this will keep the prison running smoothly. \Coming Soon/ Inmate Protection Service - They will deal with complaints about Inmate abuse, If an Inmate Faces abuse they will Investigate to find out what happened to report it to the Warden. Signed by Grayishbull3604 Founder of Graven County Prison

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