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#209690806Monday, February 13, 2017 2:39 PM GMT

Now this guide does not go for the entire game of KL it's self. In fact this is just for a small group of friends who run their own private roleplay group called Camp Dragon-fire. Do remember I do not own KL2 or Camp Dragon-fire I am just a person who would like to contribute to the lore of the group. Demons are one of the many species that make up the world, but have very little numbers in the Overworld Demons inhabit the Underworld and are usually born here or sent here after they ### in the Overworld. Demons can be considered cruel and ruthless, because majority of them are. Many people fear them for their tall height and their glowing eyes, these are a few ways to spot a #emon. You can spot a demon by looking at their eyes, a demon's eyes will light up with a different color depending on their race of demon Their eyes are all but one color, there is no ##### ## ##### within their eye it is one color. When a demon is nostalgic or happy the color tint gets brighter,, but when they are angry or in a rage the brightness goes up and it becomes nearly a flashlight on their face. Demons have multiple different races and are not limited to just these four races, Red eyed, Blue eyed, Green eyed, and Golden eyed. When becoming a demon you are given a random species of demon depending on your personality. If you are a bit absent minded you might be a blue eyed demon, if you're good at manipulating you might be a green eyed demon. The race you are dictates your personality. Red Eyed Demons Red eyed demons are but aren't limited to being ruthless creatures, these are the ones that most people fear and are more worried about. They are known for being brutal and massive and very hard to fight. That being said they are easily taken down with magics. Red Eyed Demons have a lot of strength their heights are averaged at 6'7-6'8 for males and 6'4-6'5 for females. They have much deeper voices at a low and threatening scale, they usually are frowned upon in the Underworld and are locked up most of their lives not even for doing anything just because of their sheer race. Red Eyed Demons aren't the smartest but they aren't idiots they have the average amount of intelligence for a person. When this kind of demon is angry they can grow up to 8 inches taller than their average height. Their bones and muscle extends and may destroy their clothes, this doesn't make them any stronger only more threatening. People usually run when they see this and are extremely scared. Blue Eyed Demons Blue Eyed Demons are much over looked, as they aren't considered smart at all. They are easy to trick. Ask them a question they'll give you the truth, Ask them to follow you, they'll follow you. Making them do work for you, that's easy. People believe these people are very stupid and don't have a sense in the world. While this is partly true these demons pick up on things easily and are quick to discover. They can learn and face this fact either embrace it or over come it. Blue eyed demons are the second strongest kind of demon, but usually don't pick to fight. Their average heights are 6'4-6'5 for males, and 6'2-6'3 for females. Green Eyed Demons These demons are the sneakiest as they are great manipulators. They are known for tricking blue eyed demons into being their army, since the Green Eyed Demons aren't very strong. While this isn't true for all they aren't naturally strong, they must earn it simply like you or me [Humans]. They prefer not to waste time and only go for things they want, never something another person needs They don't feel remorse for anything they do and can be nearly considered sociopaths. These are easily the smartest demons and talking to them is like # game of chess,, except they know exactly what you're gonna pick Average heights are 6'5-6'6 for males, and 5'10-5'11 for females. Golden Eyed Demons These kinds of demons are hard to spot and are even hard to call # demon.. Very few people are born Golden Eyed Demons which are practically not even demons. They are averaged out like humans, and their eyes are similar to humans only their eye color is a golden yellow. These demons are usually considered royalty, or false royalty. Either way they are thought greatly of in the Underworld and are usually given the easy way out, with the trials being less hard for them. Golden Eyed Demons have very powerful emotional strength, and a large amount of mana unlike most demons who could faint from using 3-6 spells.Golden Eyed Demons are always trying to be duplicated. People using their DNA to make potions that can transform humans into Golden Eyed Demons. This is a terrible business and the people it are sick and demented. Most of them are green Eyed Demons. This sham has been going on for years and many of the Golden Eyed Demons are from these potion, people should fear the green eyed demons for this but the Green Eyed Demons aren't being stopped. These false ones are normally given horns, most of the time they aren't even formed properly when that happens they are left in the Underworld because they aren't considered useful to the Green Eyed Demons who just want to mooch of the Golden Eyed Demon's benefits. Golden Eyed Demons heights average out at 5'10-5'11 for Males, and 5'6-5'8 for Females. Demons can come in mixed forms as most demons stay with their own kind in the Underworld some are mixed breeds between the two parents. If a green and a blue mix they could have a golden eyed child. This is a very rare occurrence and could only happen 2% of the time. Which is why you don't see many Golden Eyed Demons. Demons have a 48%-48% chance of having a baby of the same colored eyes If # Golden and # Red eyed demon have # child it's # 48-48% chance of having one of the same eye color. But there is still the 2% chance, the 2% is having # cross breed being something completely different, Golden and Red the two extreme opposites. One being Royalty and the other being trash. If they were to have # child who fell in this 2% category they might have an Orange Eyed Demon for # child which would have both the benefits and the negatives of either species.. These could cause for some crazy mixes, between the different demons and even mixes and have kids with mixes creating more mixes! But these mixes are extremely rare and only about 100 exist in the world. So the odds of that happening is very slim. Well then that's my contribute to the lore, or at least me trying. I am sorry for what I did to the CDF, I feel like I need to help out or such with the lore You briefly touched on demons in the group lore so I felt like I could help out with the lore and go more in dept with this species that all ## characters are built around. Sorry if anything is tagged in this post. -Ya boi, Ethann

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