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#209785751Tuesday, February 14, 2017 10:16 PM GMT

*sorry for hashtags!* Okay so this happened maybe a year ago now and it happened to kind of my##ntire family? I was 20 at the time, my##ister 17. So one night we were all asleep, and my sister was one some serious medication because she had double sleeping because she had night terrors. it was storming out and it doesn't usually here so I was up with all the noises and thunder pacing ## room. ## #### ## ### story and my sister got the only room on the first floor because she wanted the bigger room with the French doors( there's two sets, one in her room and one in the living room) that led to the back. Anyways so it's storming and the wind is really strong so I'm already on edge. All of a sudden there is a big thump from down stairs like someone threw open the back doors and the house alarm starts screaming. So my first reaction is to of course jump in my bed, and right as I do I hear my dad (a former marine) jump out of bed, grab the pistol he and my mom keep under the mattress, heard my mother ask what's wrong, and hear him throw open his door. Let me explain the layout really quick, when you come up the staircase of my house there's the bathroom right across from there and the small hallway goes in sort of an L from there, at the beginning of the L is the bathroom, the corner is my brothers room, then my room, and at the top of he L is my parents room. He stared in my room, in his tshirt and boxers, he military-raid style kicks in my door, clears the room, tosses me the extra 9mm he keeps in his closet and says to follow him. So he kicks open my brothers room and the bathroom and clears those rooms, takes the stairs at least three at a time down to the first floor and whistles so I know I can come down. At this point now everything ## dads prepared us for safety wise is kicking in with adrenaline, and it's hilarious to think about this part because I'm in a oversized tshirt and pa########y dads in his tshirt and backers with socks on, and the clearing of the house all happened within two and a half minutes I'd say. So he kicks open my sisters room where we see the back doors of her room are wide open and rain is pouring In. she very groggily sits up, and asks us if her soup is ready. My dad stays with her and I clear the kitchen and the living room (which is one open space and the living room windows are bay style and face my back yard, and disarm the alarm when I hear my dad shouting, his pistol fire, and a voice that is very much not his say ######" And the see a tall flash of dark run across the back yard and throw itself over the back fence. I immediately call the police and they're there within minutes. Apparently when I left the room to clear the living room, my dad walk from the door to the foot of my sister bed (she has a big wood frame that you can't really see the other side unless you're standing where he was) and at the point my dad saw the man lying flat on the floor of my sisters room, trying not to be seen by us. He left behind a big knife (like a kitchen knife type thing) and a rolled up string of rope. They never found the guy who broke in, and we reinforced the back doors and changed the locks since they were from the original owner when we moved in (which we should have done in the first place) It was very scary but now we look back and we laugh because my sister was so out of it the guy ran off and my dad had ran after him across the yard, and by the time I got to my sisters room to check on her she just looked at me, obviously still not awake, said everything's fine, and tried to go back to sleep.

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