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#209907599Thursday, February 16, 2017 7:57 PM GMT

Interview guide (host): First, slock the server at the session time (HR's must slock). Then, safechat will be tested and people will be aged (10+ days only). If the following rules are broken it will result in a failure: 1. Grammar during an interview is needed at all times, not using grammar will result in a failure. 2. Respect your interviewer at all times, yet again not doing so will result in a failure. 3. If you do not pass do not cause any sort of drama with your interviewer, you can just attend another session. Interview guide (interview): Start off with a friendly introduction such as: Hello! Welcome to Interviews, my name is _____! Do you have any questions before we start? Now you may move onto the following questions: Question 1| Why would you like to work for us? Question 2| What benefits will you bring to us? Question 3| How long would you think you will be working with us? Question 4| How many other groups have you worked at which are a food chain related? Question 5| Please correct this sentence. "1 d0 d## 44pl1c4t10n t0 g3t j0b!!!" Question 6| Do you have any idea of any events we may bring to our cafe? If so, make sure to list them. We will read them. Question 7| Do you have any questions, complaints and/or suggestions? If they failed: We are deeply sorry, but you failed. Please do make sure to come again! You are dismissed. If they passed: Congratulations! You passed interviews. Please follow me. ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ Approved by JakeTheWistfulKiwi

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