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#210667001Sunday, February 26, 2017 12:21 AM GMT

➣Question one: What are your ambitions? What do you wish to accomplish in the Jedi Order? Where do you want to be in 2 months? ➣Question two: What makes you unique, what sets you apart from other Padawan applicants? ➣Question three: Do you have any past experience? (Not necessarily in the Jedi scene. Could be in other groups.) ➣Question four: You are on the forums/in-game, and Sith are making fun of the Jedi Order. What do you do? ➣Question five: A lower rank gives you an assignment to do. Would you ever complete this assignment? Or would you reject it because he is lower rank than you are. ➣Question six: A Jedi Council meeting is being held, the person running the meeting has to go – and the meeting is reduced to chaos. How would you propose reorganizing and getting on with the meeting? ➣Question seven: You are about to capture a control point but your raiding group is cornered, and 2 enemies with superior force skills approach very close to you. They ask you and your group to surrender. What do you do? ➣Question eight: What matters more – to be loyal to the Jedi Order, or the rank you have in said group? ➣Question nine: You attend training and a high rank orders all of the members to be quiet. Some of the members continue to talk – do you ask them to be quiet, or do you allow the high rank to handle it? How would you take care of this situation? ➣Question ten: You are raiding a hostile planet and notice you are raiding along side a very skilled Jedi. You also notice that he is not yet in the group. After the raid is over – what steps do you take to make sure this fighter joins the Order? ➣Question eleven: How have you contributed to the Jedi community in your time with us? How do you intend to contribute in the future? What makes you capable of contributing these things? Define yourself through your contributions. ➣Question twelve: What is your favorite quote (doesn’t have to be from Star Wars)? ➣Question thirteen: What would you consider your greatest strengths and weaknesses? A)Roleplay name: B)Saber class: C)Timezone: Please send this back to me over Discord
#210913022Tuesday, February 28, 2017 12:52 AM GMT

1. I'd like to become a Knight, and go beyond and help incoming groupers to establish themselves into the Order. Another thing I am setting a goal towards is the green Kyber crystal. In two months I'd like to be at around the level of Consular or Sentinel, though I am not sure how long it takes to progress through each rank after Knighting. 2.I am active almost every day and I enjoy helping incoming groupers, as well as any non-groupers with any questions about how to join the Order and how to receive Force powers, and any other questions. I am eager to learn anything that could be taught. Also I keep a maintained Roleplay sense around me at all times. 3. This is my first time within the ranks of any group in the SWOA family, and I am having a quite pleasant experience so far. 4. I would take it like a man and treat them with a sense of respect, but to be honest, there would be a slightly sneer comeback. Whereas where the Sith criticize the Jedi for spamming Force choke or the flip, they spam Force lightning at the same time. 5. It depends on the request and how much lower the rank is than I. If a non-grouper were to tell me that I need to go to Hoth and help the efforts there, or if a Pending were to tell me to leave the Council Chamber, I would do it, because they are legitimate requests, and honorable at that. 6. Try to calmly bring the Order back into harmony, and if that were to fail, go into a small bit of "aggressive negotiations" and I would possibly have to yell. I could also go about it by having a few other members help to bring the chaos into order. 7. "Politely" turn down their offer and get into a Wedge formation with my fellow Jedi. Another approach could be to accept their surrender, the surrender being a trick, with the possibility of it not working because of lack of communication with my brethren. 8. It is more important to be loyal to the Jedi Order because in being loyal to the Order itself, you are doing the best you can to uphold its ideals and morals as a whole, rather than being loyal to those in your rank, for fear that those in the lower ranks may not fully understand being one with the Force, and the Masters and higher ranks will be better role models to contribute to your future in the Order. 9. In most cases I would have enough respect to allow the High Rank to handle the situtation on their own, and demonstrate to the trainees the influence that they have within the Order. If their babbling continues after constant request of the trainer, I would possibly step in to say something along the lines of, "Pardon me [so and so], but you [insert rank here] need to listen to what [so and so] has to say in this training or you can return to the Temple atrium if you please. Thank you." 10. Like the advice I give to any nongroupers who need it, I will work my best to get the said skillful Jedi to join our ranks. I will walk anyone who needs my help, or anyone I believe should join us step by step on the process to joining us, and even give previous knowledge to them about the 7 Forms, as I was given by a Padawan before my Y-I. 11. I have helped many nongroupers make it to the point where their Join Request into the Order is pending, and waiting to be accepted into our ranks. Today I had begun to give a small preface over the 7 Forms of Lightsaber Combat to two Pendings that had been waiting to receive training, and about midway through received some assistance from my Jedi brethren. 12. "For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter..." -Master Yoda, Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back 13. I excel in respectfulness towards all, and good grammar that a Jedi must have. I am proficient in lightsaber combat, though not the best (Though I did pass my Y-I duel first try). Some weaknesses of mine are spamming Force choke, and having little variety in my Force attacks. I also at times tend to not use my form whilst in actual battle on a PvP planet. Roleplay name: Chris Dameron Saber class: Single Lightsaber Timezone: EST
#210919331Tuesday, February 28, 2017 2:10 AM GMT

Bad idea to add replies, throw your stupid Star Wars war group into the trashbin and let it deterioate with the rest. Thanks a ton.
#210920658Tuesday, February 28, 2017 2:27 AM GMT

#211058643Thursday, March 02, 2017 1:29 AM GMT

First im Argentinian, so sorry if you don't understand me. 1-I'd like be a Jedi Master, teach the force to other people, show the light side, not the darknes.I wish to make peace in the galaxy, no wars, no Sith. I want to be on Jedi Knight in two months, that people choose the correct way and dont go for Darkness. 2-I have good skills with the saber, i can use the force choke and saber toss very good, its my principal combo. I like to do some acrobatics while fighting. 3- I'm an ex X-Wing pilot, i was on the republic, then a Dark Lord tried to kill me, but i shooted him on his leg and he fell in the same hole that Darth Maul fell. Then i joined the Jedi Order, because i want to make peace in the galaxy. 4-I duel them, they can talk about us, but they cant defeat us, jedi are too much better than the Sith. 5-It depends, if i want to do that assignment, its ok, if i like it, i do it. If i dont want to do it, i dont do it because it isnt an obligation. 6-I keep in calm, and I try to calm the other persons, because we have a Jedi Code, and we have to respect it, there isnt Chaos, there is Harmony. 7-I dont accept the surrender, I dont like the idea to surrender a Sith, so I fight them and i know they are going to kill me, but i prefer fight to surrender in front of a Sith. 8-Obviously, be loyal to the jedi, but the rank you have there means how many time you still on this order, and how many attention you pay on this, but my answer is "Be Loyal To the Jedi" 9-If the high rank does nothing, I say PTS and I tell to him if he can do something, or directly say that if he can ask silence. 10-I tell to him that if he wants to really join the Jedi Order, he has to join the "SWOA Jedi Order", for be trained and learn more about the force. 11-I help Jedis when they request help in any planet, and when they ask about how to equip skills, where to buy something, how to train, where is the training, what time, i try to answer them. 12-Im a good fighter with the lightsaber, i know some good combos and move a lot in a fight, roll, jump, etc.. Im good with the Saber Toss skills. My weakness are the Sith with their Lightning, I cant predict it, and i cant predict the choke too. I hope you can understand that i cant explicit very well because Im argentinian, but I hope too that you take me like your padawan because im trying to understand more the English. Thanks. A) RP Name: Fran B) Saber Class: Double Saber. C) GMT, but I can know the EST, in my country is 2 hours more than in EST :D.
#211104886Thursday, March 02, 2017 7:52 PM GMT

And people still continue to post applications...
#211963306Wednesday, March 15, 2017 12:21 AM GMT

does it have to be discord? i dont have one
#211982609Wednesday, March 15, 2017 5:39 AM GMT

#212439122Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:57 AM GMT

1. My ambitions are to advance my knowledge in the Force and maybe become a Knight or an Advanced Class. I want to expand the the Order and its ideals and advance my training as a Jedi. In two months I would like to be at least a Knight+ and help with trainings. 2. I enjoy helping new people in the Order and would help answer any questions they ask as long as they cooperate. 3. I was in the Sith Order for not even a day and realized how boring they were, so I joined the Jedi Order. I am pleased with my experience so far. 4. I would ask them respectfully to stop and if that doesn't work I would leave the argument and keep going with my normal duties. 5. If a Youngling was to tell me to exit the Council Chambers or the Archives I would do it because it is against the rules of the Order. But, if a Youngling was to tell me to enter the Council Chambers, I would not do it because, again, it is against the rules of the Order. 6. I would try to bring the Order back into peace and if that doesn't work then you could get a few other Jedi to help you bring the Order to peace. 7. Respectfully turn down there offer and commence a Wedge formation with the other Jedi around me and then do a force push. 8. The more important thing is to be loyal to the Order. Rank is just a title while being in the Order is an honor not many people receive. 9. I would let the high rank deal with the situation. But, if the interruption continues I would politely ask them to leave and let the training continue. 10. I would give him/her directions, just like any other new member, on how to join the Order. And I would help them on the 7 forms. 11. I have directed of few non-groupers on how to join the Order. I want to help with any questions that anyone has, and I want to help train in P-Y's or Y-I's once I become of rank or if my Master asks me to. 12. "You must be the change you wish to see in the world" -Mahatma Ghandi 13. Some of my strengths are I show great respect towards all High Ranks and I have have a pretty good understanding in vocabulary. Some of my weaknesses are I'm not the greatest in Saber duels.

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