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#210926244Tuesday, February 28, 2017 3:57 AM GMT

"Hey! Hey, get up damn it!" Your vision is quite blurred as you #### ### a shadowy figure in front of you. A few seconds pass before you black out again, this time waking up to darkness. A few tiny red lights pulse against the walls of what seems like a small room. As the light pulse on and off, you can see papers littered across the floor, along with other garbage. You slowly get up to your feet, and as your hearing clears up, you hear a faint alarm ringing behind you.
#210926278Tuesday, February 28, 2017 3:58 AM GMT

[Oops, apparently paragraphs are not a thing in the forums anymore] test
#210928218Tuesday, February 28, 2017 4:35 AM GMT

...Uhh...what the heck..? Umm...oh crap. Is this some kind of disaster happening..? Oh, god, please, I honestly hope that the answer is no. And--Gah, flickering lights. Did someone forget to contact the electric company, or what..? Okay, I need to s-stop messing around in here. Now, where's the exit...
#210968785Tuesday, February 28, 2017 10:24 PM GMT

You make your way to a wall, using your hands to guide you along the dark room. Eventually you reach a doorway, and continue through it the same way. As you reach the end of the short hallway, you feel another door in front of you, but it seems locked. There should be some sort of switch to trigger it.
#210977148Wednesday, March 01, 2017 12:31 AM GMT

Huh... Another door that can be opened using a switch, or something else like that...hmm. Now, where's that thing? I begin looking for a way to open it.
#210984638Wednesday, March 01, 2017 2:20 AM GMT

You search for a switch, eventually feeling a button on the right side of the door. You press it and the door opens sparks flying. You cover your eyes as you're blinded by the light on the other side of the door, taking a few moments to adjust to it. Once adjusted, you examine the room. This one seems to be about the same size as the last. There are several metal boxes stacked on the left, which seem to be blocking a doorway. Directly in front of you is another door, and to the right is a door leading to a room with a window connecting that room to the one you're currently in. That room is dark, but you can see a couple cabinets and a table with some papers on it. In the center of the room is a large tree, now dead. It has no leaves and its bark is almost pitch black and completely dried out. There's a body underneath it, along with what looks like a gun.
#210986082Wednesday, March 01, 2017 2:36 AM GMT

...Metal boxes, 3 doorways, a dark room, a dead tree, and a dead body... Okay, I know it may be difficult to tell, but is the dead body the same as that man from before? But then again, I need to focus and investigate on what happened. And thus I--uh, uh, forgot the gun. I pick up said item, and...do I have pockets?
#210986465Wednesday, March 01, 2017 2:40 AM GMT

You take a closer look at the body, but can't remember if it's the same man you saw earlier. You have a couple of small pockets, but the gun has a strap which you can wrap around your shoulder. It seems to use some sort of battery as ammunition, and luckily it has one left. The batteries it takes are clear and filled with some sort of glowing, neon orange liquid. The battery currently inside the gun seems to be about 3/4 full.
#210994464Wednesday, March 01, 2017 4:24 AM GMT

Ah, cool. A strappable gun. I then strap it around my left shoulder before moving on to trying to move those metal boxes out of the way.
#210995449Wednesday, March 01, 2017 4:43 AM GMT

You head over to the metal boxes and make an attempt to move them. You're able to pull down the boxes near the top of the stack, which felt empty. However, you're unable to move the boxes on the bottom. They're too heavy. If you were able to get the door open, though, there's enough space for you to squeeze through the gap.
#211054960Thursday, March 02, 2017 12:39 AM GMT

Well. If only I was a little stronger, but hey. At least there's still a hypothetical way to get through...right? Oh well. I might as well come back to it later. Oh well. I then went to the dark room and tried to see anything interesting, even about the papers.
#211064513Thursday, March 02, 2017 2:51 AM GMT

The door slides open as you approach it, sparks flying. You can't find anything useful in the cabinets after a quick search. You pick up the papers, which read: "Skero tak un pekko, Gun skint tak pol." Most of it is illegible, but the bottom reads "SKERO GAL" in large, red letters.
#211362098Monday, March 06, 2017 3:57 AM GMT

Hmm, alien language... Interesting. And then there's what I think is the elephant in the room: the words "SKERO GAL". Okay, so I might have to either find a translator or try to do it myself.
#211364002Monday, March 06, 2017 4:24 AM GMT

"Air lock disabled," a computerized voice announces. You turn around and see that the dark room you came from has a red light flashing. You need to escape. You can either slide through the doorway with crates in front of it, or try to open the other door on the wall to the right of it.
#211439689Tuesday, March 07, 2017 4:50 AM GMT

Oh crap. Looks like I'm gonna die in here if I don't get out fast. But is there anything else important? If so, I try to pack those with me, along with the paper, and get through the doorway with crates, but if not, I'll just run through said doorway and get it over with.

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