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#211105112Thursday, March 02, 2017 7:55 PM GMT

Hello Roblox community! I have some suggestions regarding the issue with guests. Now before you click off this thread; this IS NOT a post about removing guests, I think the guest system is a very good feature. So please don't get the wrong idea about this suggestion. Now that that's out of the way, lets get into my issues regarding the guest system. Now the first and the biggest problem everyone has with the guest system is that they take up server space. What I mean is; if a friend was trying to join another friend, most of the time the server is full. And most of the time there are at least 2 guests taking up that spot for the player who actually signed up to play. The second problem players have with guests is that they can't type in the Roblox chat. This is a problem in many games for other players. For example, in many team based Roblox games players must talk with each other to come up with a plan or a strategy. But guests can't type in the Roblox chat to communicate with the other team to come up with a plan/strategy. And the final problem Roblox players have with guests is that they don't feel like part of the Roblox community. And by that I mean all guests just seem the same as one another. They don't have that same feeling as Roblox players have toward one another (And I hope that people reading this know what I mean by that otherwise I would seem very strange ;-;). I hope that the Roblox moderators reading this understand the issues I just explained. Anyway, now that some of the issues to the guest system are out of the way. I would now like to talk about the solutions to these problems. The first solution I have to these problems is to create special servers that guests will be put into when joining a game. I think this would be a very good solution because it wouldn't really make a difference on the way guests play. The guest system is there so players can see how Roblox is before they play. So they are still getting the same feel as they would playing with actual Roblox players. This is my favorite solution and definitely think it should be implemented. Now the second solution I have come up with is to allow players to kick a guest out of the server they are trying to join. So if a player was trying to join another player, the server will automatically kick out a random guest. This option is only fair because these Roblox players actually signed up in order to play Roblox. And hell some even payed good money on Roblox. This solution wouldn't fix all problems but it would at least fix one. And the last solution I have to the fix the guest system is to have only a limited amount of guests playing at a time. This would make it so Roblox isn't crawling with guests on each server. And it would fix most of the problems that I stated in the above. I know this isn't the best solution I have come up with but hey, it's still a solution. Don't get me wrong, I like the guest system and think it is a really good way for people to try out the game before they give away there ##### to sign up for an account.nt. I just think there are a lot of problems with it that should be fixed. I really hope that this thread makes a difference because I spent hours writing it. Be sure to leave feedback on what solution you like the best or if you don't like it at all. I would love to know what everyone thinks! And if you agree with me, be sure to comment and give this thread as much attention as possible. Thank you for taking the time to read my suggestions!! Byeee!!! <3
#211105470Thursday, March 02, 2017 8:02 PM GMT

Support, having separate servers for guests is a god idea, if they want to play with 'normal' players then they will have to make an account.
#211105548Thursday, March 02, 2017 8:04 PM GMT

No support, Sorry just for servers only for guest will cause more server data which roblox needs more money. Also the social aspect gets destoried. People exploit on guests so it would just be a exploiting server.
#211105631Thursday, March 02, 2017 8:05 PM GMT

You forgot the part where exploiters log off, and use guests as their alter ego to ruin every game.
#211105751Thursday, March 02, 2017 8:08 PM GMT

Thank you for the feedback! You're opinion helps me out a lot!
#211106019Thursday, March 02, 2017 8:14 PM GMT

My solution to the first problem is to click on the 'Servers' tab which is under the game's thumbnail and stuff, then going on a server with less people on. It's usually not that hard. Too lazy? Too bad, I'm afraid, I wonder how you got the friend in the first place then. I quite disagree with the special Guest server solution that you thought of. Guests have friends too, in real life, and the friend of a Guest might have an account. The Guest should be able to connect to a server with their friend who has an account just like Robloxians can. If the friend would become a Guest, It'll just make more Guests be on Roblox, which is what most players would hate happening. You're meant to be a Guest if you want to try out Roblox before making an account (because if you make an account then decide you don't like Roblox, that'll add to the number of alternative accounts, which is an unnecessary clog up on Roblox's database). People have trouble with the amount of Guests on Roblox already. The second solution is much more unfair, however. I don't believe that players with accounts should overrule Guests. You're just saying 'Ooh I made an account and I'm trying to go onto a specific server! You should be kicked off although you probably made lots of progress on the game which you can't save! This is so fair.. For me anyway! HAHAHA!' For the second problem, there's really no other solution that I think would fit, apart from the old chatting system that Guests used to have long ago. However, I have noticed that some games allow Guests to talk by typing '/sc' before their message, so at least it's getting better. For the final problem, your solutions to the first problem would only make that problem worse. Do you think that putting players over Guests would make Guests feel part of Roblox? They'd feel much less part of Roblox if your solutions for the first problem would be in place.
#211106306Thursday, March 02, 2017 8:22 PM GMT

Point is, People play as Guests to try out the game first. Taking the ability of guests to see people and how they interact will make roblox lose people playing it.
#211106438Thursday, March 02, 2017 8:25 PM GMT

#211106540Thursday, March 02, 2017 8:27 PM GMT

No. [2] #code if OP == idiot then return end
#211203032Saturday, March 04, 2017 8:35 AM GMT

Make Guests have safe chat or get rid of them altogether
#211207345Saturday, March 04, 2017 11:13 AM GMT

Nope, No "Guest" servers, no "Guest Safe Chat" Both are bad ideas, and no removing guests. Guests are essential to Roblox in a way. So a new player is interested in playing Roblox, so he plays as a guest, if he joins a "Guest Server" then all he is going to see either different versions of a guest or female versions of a guest, but if he joins a server with actual players, he'll see the cool clothing and hat possibilities, and will make a account. Also, if guests could communicate in any way, what's stopping them from never making a Offical Roblox account?
#211208178Saturday, March 04, 2017 11:45 AM GMT

#211208223Saturday, March 04, 2017 11:47 AM GMT

Cool clothing? 85% of servers are full of Newbies without clothes.
#211208571Saturday, March 04, 2017 12:03 PM GMT

"The second problem players have with guests is that they can't type in the Roblox chat. This is a problem in many games for other players. For example, in many team based Roblox games players must talk with each other to come up with a plan or a strategy. But guests can't type in the Roblox chat to communicate with the other team to come up with a plan/strategy. " Guests are only checking out the game and seeing if they wanna make an account. They shouldn't be able to talk. WHY DONT PEOPLE KNOW THAT?
#211208649Saturday, March 04, 2017 12:06 PM GMT

This will completely ruin the guest system.
#211208801Saturday, March 04, 2017 12:11 PM GMT

#211209688Saturday, March 04, 2017 12:44 PM GMT

YES SUPPORT I really want to be a friend with guests
#211210483Saturday, March 04, 2017 1:11 PM GMT

😝NE. I think that the 'guest servers' wouldn't be a very good idea. As you say, being a guest is a way to see if you would like to make an account on roblox. Seeing just guests, who can't talk, will just make the servers dead, and they will not get a good impression. TW😝. Kicking guests out the server for signed in people is a terrible idea. If the game doesn't save your progress, like a tycoon or something like that, it will be really unfair on the guest. The signed in people should also respect guests and not bully them. T⛩REE. Imo, maybe there could be like a few phrases a guest could say like: 'Hi,' 'Yes,' 'No,' Are you ok?' You know wut i mean. It's just my opinion. It's pretty crap but.. Meh
#211211026Saturday, March 04, 2017 1:26 PM GMT

Look, this makes sense but if we ever get censoring removed sorry but we need to keep guests, that way # year olds can't read any 'Offensive" things.
#213982170Monday, April 10, 2017 3:37 PM GMT

I was just going to say the same thing.
#213982692Monday, April 10, 2017 3:45 PM GMT

#213982713Monday, April 10, 2017 3:46 PM GMT

oops meant [4]
#213982786Monday, April 10, 2017 3:47 PM GMT

OP sounds arrogant
#213982871Monday, April 10, 2017 3:48 PM GMT

#213983271Monday, April 10, 2017 3:55 PM GMT

Op just wants guests to have their own server and not ruin his gun game Color splash!

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