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#211263866Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:08 AM GMT

I will have to re-write this to give people more information. I will write two messages for people who are new to ROBLOX and people who are old players like me. This way, both sides will understand and hopefully agree with me. This goes out to all staff of ROBLOX as well. (Though staff does not check or reply to ANY forum posts anymore) Note: This is not my main account so please do not reply and say something like "Oh ur not a old roblox player because u joined in 2016" I'm a 2008 player, if I still remembered my old accounts I'd name them for you. First message(I will attempt to make this have enough information to be short short): To start things off, 80% of ROBLOX's community has been rebelling on their bad updates.(80% is an accurate estimate not counting the bot accounts, ROBLOX is 18% bot accounts{And that is also an accurate estimate}) ROBLOX today is infested with ODers, Exploiters, Bullies, Scammers, Spammers and ect. ROBLOX barley takes action on Report Abuse unless its on a game that does not have the correct censoring. Censorship, the only thing ROBLOX cares about not to mention money. ROBLOX has enough money to run for more than 50 years. It has enough to pay developers for a long time. It has enough income to survive for centuries. But ROBLOX does not have what it takes anymore to protect our community. Looking at all of the news reports on ROBLOX you'll see what I mean. ROBLOX does not listen to us anymore in fact, ROBLOX barley cares about our community anymore. Censorship has been corrupting the community ever since its update was made. Another fact, no Tix is one of the main reasons this game is dying. We've been wanting Tix back ever since it was removed. Yet, we still are ignored by ROBLOX. The ROBLOX Corporation is not even professional anymore. ROBLOX HAS to take action before its too late. EVERYONE should want back the ROBLOX we once loved and knew. Another note: Just because ROBLOX is Powered By Players does not mean they can't just leave the site and their bad updates to us. The second message to make the other side understand: ROBLOX, it USED to be a good game with a good community. Now thanks to ROBLOX's updates (Which were not suggested by the community) have ruined the whole game. "Powered By Players," it was a thing back in 2007 through 2014. In the young years of ROBLOX, barley any ODers(Online Daters), barley any exploiters(Somewhat of a hacker in-game) most importantly, barley any cyber bullies was very peaceful. If you were to make an account back then, you'd get a free group saying {Your Username's} group. Looking at the ROBLOX of today, you can see how much it has changed from being peaceful, respectful and free game with one of the best communities to a game that is barley free and does not do anything to defend their community. If you do some history search on ROBLOX (Which I recommend before replying to this thread) You'll see what I mean. Back to the main part about this, ROBLOX is a dying community that still can be revived IF ROBLOX will listen to us again. The ROBLOX Corporation has enough money to run for more than 50 years.(Their Net Worth{Meaning how much they are worth} is near or over 1 billion. However, their greed(Meaning they want more)for more money is what started all of this. A professional company with an impressive amount of income turning into a unstable, unprofessional and yet, a dying one. It is really stunning when you know how it all turned to this. Getting onto Tix, back before they removed it. You could trade it in for Robux. 20 Tix = 1 Robux. Getting 10 Tix for every time you logged in daily really helped new players. Tix is what made ROBLOX survive up until now. But there is none of that anymore. No new player gets a personal group on sign-up anymore. Everyone should want that back! Here's a couple of REAL suggestions: Make forum posts re-editable for the author. This will save time. Add Tix back and everything that was removed with it on the update. As well as making limited Tix items. Do not add updates with out the community approval(For example say before ROBLOX adds a new chat system they would have players vote for it to be added or not) Lastly, Re-add and Remaster Menu chat for players and guests. It's unfair for guests not being able to communicate to those with accounts. If you agree with something I said or the whole argument please reply saying "Support."(with something to say if you do) Extra: I had to explain things in high detail so people who troll on forums won't have a reason to do so on this thread.
#211263887Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:09 AM GMT

im ignoring this
#211263946Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:10 AM GMT

happypogo123, your a troller to every forum post.
#211264240Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:13 AM GMT

tell how you got this "accurate estimate", please help i am trapped in this weird box with text
#211264325Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:14 AM GMT

#211264375Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:15 AM GMT

"happypogo123, your a troller to every forum post." No, he's not. He actually said "Support" on some of my threads, mate. And others. also, tl;dr
#211264382Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:15 AM GMT

How about you read the whole thing.
#211264445Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:16 AM GMT

He is actually, but might not be to yours. Look on some threads about the topic I support. Take some time before you reply.
#211264505Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:17 AM GMT

@LegoMeBot thanks
#211264545Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:17 AM GMT

"(80% is an accurate estimate not counting the bot accounts, ROBLOX is 18% bot accounts{And that is also an accurate estimate})" how is it accurate? give us the math behind it. help i am trapped in this weird box with text
#211264610Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:18 AM GMT

He usually says "No support" on a lot of threads because they are usually crappy.
#211264650Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:19 AM GMT

@happypogo123 You're welcome.
#211264696Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:20 AM GMT

Support. I made my own three-part post if you want to read it. It's long, but it analyzes a lot of issues.
#211264776Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:21 AM GMT

putting "do not ignore this" makes me dislike the post, if you just put "Rebellion 2.0" it would sound more professional
#211264931Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:23 AM GMT

I agree with you on DO NOT IGNORE THIS but, that is the only way to get attention from people.
#211265142Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:26 AM GMT

once again, "(80% is an accurate estimate not counting the bot accounts, ROBLOX is 18% bot accounts{And that is also an accurate estimate})" how did you get the estimate? by the way, this only sums up 98% of all accounts. what about the other 2%? help i am trapped in this weird box with text
#211265325Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:29 AM GMT

Please learn how to read. Or at least re-read the whole thing.
#211265400Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:30 AM GMT

yes, i read your post. now answer the question. help i am trapped in this weird box with text
#211265535Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:32 AM GMT

You know, if you stop lying you'll get an answer.
#211265589Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:33 AM GMT

The more you reply you'll just bring more attention to this post, I thank you for that.
#211265615Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:33 AM GMT

i read your post, and it has absolutely no explanation where you got these numbers. you just said they were accurate, and expected us to believe it off the bat. help i am trapped in this weird box with text
#211265650Sunday, March 05, 2017 3:34 AM GMT

if there is a part which explains how you got this, cite it. otherwise, explain your math and tell us what the other 2% are. help i am trapped in this weird box with text
#211281082Sunday, March 05, 2017 7:29 AM GMT

How about this, stop trolling on forums and you'll end up seeing the results. Actually read my thread before you instantly comment.
#211322180Sunday, March 05, 2017 7:02 PM GMT

i'm getting the impression OP just made up these statistics and doesn't want to admit it. help i am trapped in this weird box with text
#211640695Friday, March 10, 2017 9:55 AM GMT

Same goes to you but you've been spamming nonsense on many posts.

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