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#211395642Monday, March 06, 2017 4:45 PM GMT

Kansas City @ Dallas Cowboys- 100-42 Yeah this game is an easy dub for chiefs if lions can get 93 points with a 3rd string quarter back. Defense might be lax on chiefs since they think this will be an easy game. New England Patriots @ Minnesota Vikings - [CO-GOTW] 45-42 Patriots win by a field goal. Both teams are great I just believe the team led by chris is better based on chemistry, and the vikings secondary isn't going to perform up to par to patriots offense. Oakland Raiders @ Detroit Lions - [GOTW] 77-70 Lions. Lions are a better team Period. their players are superior over the raiders roster who almost lost to the colts. This will be a good game but raiders will be 1-2 after this game and lions will be 3-0 San Francisco 49ers @ Pittsburgh Steelers- 51-44 Steelers call me crazy but the steelers are better than the redskins and I believe they can break the 49er's record who btw almost lost to the redskins week 2. If depatron can bring his A' Game then the 49ers will win. Seattle Seahawks @ Cincinnati Bengals - Not predicting my own game Washington Redskins @ Indianapolis Colts - 63 - 56 colts will win this but not by a lot I believe in the redskins, Colts are gonna come off with vengeance when they lost their last game in the last second. Dimer will look to have an almost perfect game again. Cleveland Browns @ Green Bay Packer - 77 - 35 Packers will win easily this game will be their first win assuming that packers lose against the Chiefs. But I believe that packers will show why they went to the Super Bowl and why they are a top 5 Team. #bengalsNation #jonthagoat

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