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#211400740Monday, March 06, 2017 6:47 PM GMT

Hi I M D Character Sheet: Name: Traits: Bio:
#211401217Monday, March 06, 2017 6:56 PM GMT

Oh this will be fun.. ### ####### He can outwit anyone with Vaudeville Comedy and Rope Jim grew up in the poorest parts of Mississippi as a Hemp Farmer. He discovered a muddy pool one day in the Bayou and jumped into an alternate dimension where he found Non Euclidean Geometry and a Utopia made up of Aligator People. After escaping with his life, albiet losing his left shoe; Jim went on to become a straw hatted Rootin Tootin Shootin adventurer and world famous archaeologist who was ######## on finding more Non Euclidean ancient structures.
#211401247Monday, March 06, 2017 6:57 PM GMT

Name: Dr. Jim Johnman PhD.
#211458022Tuesday, March 07, 2017 5:39 PM GMT

Naem:Bob Traits: Hiro supper kool mazing luvz chezbargers bakon n fawaffels (Fallafels) Bio: Afer a$$ident bob fell into peper laek n discuvered oter diemencheon iz was offer poewers at teh cust of braen funkchun sue new he fits bad peples wit his supper poewers

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