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#211416969Monday, March 06, 2017 11:11 PM GMT

Countless amounts of money & time have been spent in this game. It's not helping, nor is it even improving the game it's self. In 2012, ROBLOX had it's best year ever. You used to decorate the site for holidays, create great events with interesting items, and you actually listened to the community. In 2013 - 2014, you were okay. The layout changed quite a lot and a few things have changed since 2012 but nothing really bad. Everything was still really interesting and fun to play. The price floor was the worst around this time. Then 2015 came, and that's where you guys went down. You started making these random updates that only benefited richer ROBLOXians & Developers. Your price floor made it almost impossible for anyone to purchase a shirt or pants in the beginning. I remember back in 2012 when right off the bat with you 10 TIX you could buy really cool shirts and pants. In 2016 - 2017 so far, you completely destroyed it. Somehow I am still stuck to this game because of my really deep nostalgia. Removing TIX benefited some people, but I think more than half did not. ROBUX Prizes? Where are those? Remember ROBLOX, the thing you promised than later denied 2 months after? The this logo, it represents no qualities of ROBLOX. The old logo was fine, represents the creativity and the flow. The filter is also one of the worst updates ever in history. Finally the next update is removing body colors. You have been removing TONS of things that ROBLOX needed in it's prime old moments. Pretty soon you'll remove normal user-created games, then hats, then ROBUX. Might as well remove the whole darn site. I don't care if you file this at a complaint, but ROBLOX you need to get up and wake up. We the community think it's time you start listening to us. Some of us have really great ideas that can help your future, but if you choose to crumble this website; well then I'm pretty sure you've already done it.
#211417066Monday, March 06, 2017 11:12 PM GMT

wheres the suggestion
#211417086Monday, March 06, 2017 11:12 PM GMT

Result of Erik Cassel death
#211417152Monday, March 06, 2017 11:13 PM GMT

There will not be a suggestion. They're not going to listen anyways. Yep, I wish Erik Cassel was back.
#211417199Monday, March 06, 2017 11:14 PM GMT

#211417777Monday, March 06, 2017 11:22 PM GMT

*sigh* Is this ever going to be a good suggestion? Blah blah blah, nostalgia, blah blah blah, listen to my opinion about making ROBLOX like the past even though ROBLOX is it at its highest peak with active players... I'm tired of listening to this. Check my join date, I especially know how it used to be. Look. I agree that the events are bad now. But everything else you've said is invalid. You say that updates that benefit developers are a bad thing even though it means that it'll help them grow and make games like the old games you so highly loved. The tix removal helped control the economy. Bots were being used to abuse it. It benefited ROBLOX as a whole. Just.. stop drowning in nostalgia, take a while to relax, and try listing ways to actually improve ROBLOX, not a list of updates you disagree with.
#211417942Monday, March 06, 2017 11:24 PM GMT

Okay, cool. "I don't care if you file this at a complaint,"
#211418005Monday, March 06, 2017 11:25 PM GMT

Yeah of course you wouldn't care or respond, and would instead reply to whatever caters to your ego. Sure buddy. It's a rainbow world.
#211418138Monday, March 06, 2017 11:26 PM GMT

How do you expect ROBLOX to listen if YOU can't listen?
#211418178Monday, March 06, 2017 11:27 PM GMT

"ROBLOX had it's best year ever" Lolno +5,758 from JacobDaBloxxa ˙ ͜ʟ˙
#211420941Tuesday, March 07, 2017 12:06 AM GMT

Actually, Right after Erik_Cassel Died roblox went down a bad hill.
#211420996Tuesday, March 07, 2017 12:07 AM GMT

>Joins 2014 [Oh whale.]

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