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#211570582Thursday, March 09, 2017 4:25 AM GMT

Remember the days when tickets were available. I remember playing back in 2010 or 2011 and it was great. I got great items from the catalog with tickets. Everyday when I logged, I got tickets. I used to go to the catalog and try to buy everything with tickets. Last year sucked! They removed the tickets and I couldn't get anything. It sucked. Can Roblox bring back tickets. I really want tickets back and if they are back, I will be the most happiest person ever
#211573074Thursday, March 09, 2017 5:08 AM GMT

Roblox doesn't care about your happiness.
#211573160Thursday, March 09, 2017 5:10 AM GMT

How will this improve the Roblox economy in any way possible?
#211580085Thursday, March 09, 2017 7:18 AM GMT

Tix was causing inflation. It was only beneficial for it to be removed.
#211580580Thursday, March 09, 2017 7:27 AM GMT

It would really help the roblox economy and the community if we bring tix back! (Sarcasm) Tix were removed for a reason Stop! Siggy time!
#211581482Thursday, March 09, 2017 7:46 AM GMT

"roblox economy" lol you guys are acting as if this is real. You realize that without tix there is no contending currency? give me your robux!11
#211581729Thursday, March 09, 2017 7:52 AM GMT

You must be very young if you don't understand how this works. It's not real, but it is still the currency used for this game. Tix was easy to get and thus easy to abuse. This caused inflation, whereby tix basically became worthless and Roblox was losing money. They had to do something, but whatever they did people would've still complained. The thing you don't seem to understand is that tix was actually a bad thing. not inherently, there may have been other ways to handle the situation, but it was the way people were using it. Personally, I would've put a cap on the amount of tix you can have which would fix the problem of inflation and still allow people to buy things without having to spend real money.
#211582072Thursday, March 09, 2017 8:00 AM GMT

I'm not very young. I just question the existence of a roblox economy. give me your robux!11
#211583830Thursday, March 09, 2017 8:42 AM GMT

Get them back!
#211587434Thursday, March 09, 2017 11:24 AM GMT

all the excuses roblox fed you for removing Tix all comes down to Laziness on their part they say removing Tix was to prevent people from using Alternate accounts to exploit it. the solution was so incredibly easy that pretty much any site that uses a daily reward system uses it an "IP Scan Check" so that once a userIP was rewarded daily tix that same Computer wouldn't be able to receive another Reward Packet even if the user created an alternate account the Scan would recognize that IP and sync that account up to it's Timer They allowed the Tix Exploitation get far out of hand the second issue was the Exchange rate... like honestly how hard is it to change the exchange rate from 10 tix per 1 robux to 70 tix per 1 robux eh?
#211590305Thursday, March 09, 2017 1:41 PM GMT

Tix were removed because they were simply outdated as a currency concept and adapting them to modern roblox would have been just as bad in the community's eyes, it was easier to just remove them entirely than to have to remodel the entire dual currency economy. Roblox tried to reduce inflation, thats why we had a price floor on clothing, the goal was to remove as many tix as possible from the system to make them more valuable again. What it came down to was we had too many users, generating too many tix compared to the amount of users buying robux. And with the Developer exchange we were losing a lot of robux from the system too. So even with all the new ways roblox had to remove tix from the economy, it still couldnt reduce inflation, just slowed it a bit. Also @judess they did have an IP check, the issue is people would just use different IP's every time for each account. Log into account 1, get tix, change to IP 2, login to account 2, get tix, change to IP 3, login to account 3 etc etc etc And the exchange rate couldnt just be "changed" on a whim. Its a user controlled exchange, its based on what users value each currency at. Since there were so many tix and robux was in high demand, robux became worth more, and people sold tix for less value. In my time the rate went from 4 tix was 1 robux to 25 tix was 1 robux.
#211592898Thursday, March 09, 2017 3:25 PM GMT

Can you stop complaining about tickets? They will NEVER come back, so please stop whining about something that will 100% never come back. 🔶🔷Silverlight🔶🔷
#211593871Thursday, March 09, 2017 3:58 PM GMT

Seriously. It....never....ends. About Tix _____________________________________________________________________________________ Okay, so we all know about the tix riot. We all know about the removal of tix. Many NBC's are complaining about the removal of tix, and I used to as well, but I thought it over tonight and understood why Roblox removed tix. They did it to control inflation, and make the game smoother. Let's face it, tix aren't coming back. With the removal of tix, people think roblox wants all their money, and I can see why they'd say that. Tix can easily be replaced even better by spending a simple 5 bucks on the game. The removal of Tix didn't make the game worse, it made it better. Roblox is doing this to get money....to make the darn game better. Enough is enough. Roblox has made a decision, and we should respect that decision because it will make the game better. 10 tix a day wouldn't have given us much, and we'd have to wait FOREVER to get enough robux. And tix were also removed because of the fact that people could get 1,000 tix an hour because you get 1 tix per visit, and you know as well as I do how many visits games like MM2 and Prison Life get per day. It's just like the complaints about wanting the old roblox back. It's not going to happen. Be grateful Roblox is still free and fun to play. You don't need Builders Club or gamepasses or fancy hats and stuff to have fun! If I didn't have Robux, I'd just take to free stuff and go on. It's time to accept that Tix aren't coming back. Are you with me or not?
#211593957Thursday, March 09, 2017 4:00 PM GMT

Nobody has picked up that OP is a 17er XD Just a normal sig.
#211595407Thursday, March 09, 2017 4:54 PM GMT

It's an alt that's why.
#211597577Thursday, March 09, 2017 5:57 PM GMT

Nobody bothered to check his join date. If you can afford a PC, then buy Builders Club, I get a bit of robux and I spend it on some clothes and mostly save it up. Just get to grips it caused inflation. I have a cunning plan, but computer says no.
#211597809Thursday, March 09, 2017 6:04 PM GMT

1. WNTS post. 2. You joined this year. 3. quit #####'in about the past and move on. you have enough money to get a polar bear, you can get more stuff. c'mon, robux is like 5 bucks at the minimum.
#211598000Thursday, March 09, 2017 6:09 PM GMT

If you can afford a PC,You can buy builders club, That's all I'm going to say Color splash!
#211598435Thursday, March 09, 2017 6:22 PM GMT

no. sippin on jin and juice
#212096620Thursday, March 16, 2017 8:00 PM GMT

Op, you joined this year. The tix were removed in what, 2015? I know you are probably an alt account, but still.
#212096655Thursday, March 16, 2017 8:00 PM GMT

*checks date* Darn, I got baited.

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