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#21172370Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:45 PM GMT

It is colonial times. Your aboard a ship heading to America from Germany to try to settle. You will not make it. British ships, spanish ships, all others will attack you. You are Auf Kurs yes, but you will not make it to the end. Battle until the end, die like a warrior, keep fighitng. "Wait? What was that? LOAD THE CANNONS! WERE UNDER ATTACK!!!" Name: Ag.e: Position:(Cabinboy if your a kid. Gunman, Boarder, Swabbie, Soldier, Captain) Weapons:(Swords pretty much and one shot pistols) Apperance: Bio: Mine- Name:Nathanael Reyes Ag.e: 16 Postion:Captain Weapons:Dual Raipers. Flintlock. Bio:Was just a cabinboy, his dad was captain until he was killed by a Spanischmann. Now he took over the crew and promises to get us to the Americas. (Remade it due to posibilty of not understanding the title "Auf Kurs")
#21172476Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:48 PM GMT

Name: jack pigeon Ag.e: 16 Position:(Cabinboy if your a kid. Gunman, Boarder, Swabbie, Soldier, Captain)soldier Weapons:(Swords pretty much and one shot pistols) cutlass and one shot rifle Apperance: brown hair and green eyes Bio: used to be a pirate at age of 15 then he went on board the ship
Top 50 Poster
#21172531Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:49 PM GMT

I steer the ship. "Theres a storm up ahead! Be prepared later on!" I shout.
#21172567Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:50 PM GMT

yes capt'n" i called back
Top 50 Poster
#21172658Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:52 PM GMT

"Captain!" A sailor shouted. "Spanisch ship off the port side!!" He shouts. I look towards port and see a spanish ship loading it's cannons. "MAN YOUR STATIONS!"
#21172690Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:53 PM GMT

i suggest we take them on *points rifle at one of the enemy cannons* waddya think ya know once i shot a person from this range
Top 50 Poster
#21172779Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:55 PM GMT

"We are." I say. "MAN THE CANNONS! PREPARE TO BOARD!" I say, turning the ship to get into position. We had the most advanced German ship made. Cannons on the side, front, and back. Even one in an expanded crows nest. "PREPARE TO FIRE!!!" I say.
#21172813Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:56 PM GMT

i loaded the rifle and aimed then i noticed i had 1 bullet left "nah not worth it"
Top 50 Poster
#21172944Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:59 PM GMT

"FIRE THE CANNONS!!" I shout when we're aligned with the enemy ship. We fire our cannons and they fire theirs. "GRAB A ROPE! BOARD THEM!"
#21172969Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:59 PM GMT

i grabbed a rope and started cutting the enemys ropes making them fall into the water
Top 50 Poster
#21173026Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:01 PM GMT

I give the navigation to my second navigator and grab a rope, and swing across, to board the enemy ship.
#21174619Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:40 PM GMT

Name:Ace Crazez Ag.e: 20 Postion:Boarder Weapons:Cutlass,Flintlock Bio:None
Top 50 Poster
#21174657Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:42 PM GMT

I swing to the enemy boat and kick someone off of their rope. I take my flintlock and shoot an enemy in the chest.
#21174711Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:43 PM GMT

I run out from under the deck.I grab a rope and swing across and grab my cutlass in midair.
Top 50 Poster
#21174840Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:46 PM GMT

I shoot another person with my flintlock, take my Raipers out and stab someone in the chest.
#21174919Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:48 PM GMT

I slice someones throat then look around."Go for the captain I'll hold the rest off!"I shout.
Top 50 Poster
#21174953Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:49 PM GMT

I see the enemy captain cut down one of our men. I shoot him in the arm with my flintlock then cross blades with him.
#21174989Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:50 PM GMT

I slam my cutlass into ones chest and watch the captains collide.
Top 50 Poster
#21175020Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:51 PM GMT

I slash a raiper at him and he slashes it away with his sword. I stab him in the knee with my other sword and then pull it out then block his slash.
#21175050Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:51 PM GMT

I see a soldier sneaking up on my captain.I draw my flintlock as fast as I can and shoot the soldier.
Top 50 Poster
#21175085Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:52 PM GMT

I slash the captain's hand and his sword falls out. I slash him across the throat and he dies.
#21175118Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:53 PM GMT

I smirk at his move."What about the rest kill them or take prisoners?"I ask.
Top 50 Poster
#21175169Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:54 PM GMT

"Hm..." I look them over. "Who among you wishes to live? And by living, serving my crew." (Or in a davy jones way) "Do ya feel Dead?" (Lmao)
#21175210Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:55 PM GMT

I swing back to our ship.I got cut a few times so I needed to wrap my wounds. (XD)
Top 50 Poster
#21175258Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:57 PM GMT

I take the ones who wish to live and make them crew. The ones who do not wish to serve me, get thrown into the ocean. I have the sailors loot the ship and then make repairs then start to sail on.

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