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#212046970Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:34 AM GMT

Whatever it's called, hopefully most of you know what i'm talking about. ROBLOX got rid to where you can go to a certain page. Example: you got 50 pages of hats. You could type in the page 30 and go to that page. But no, ROBLOX removed that. To me, this is one of the most ridiculous things they could have possibly done. I mean seriously, why would you remove that? 1. There is no point of it and making it slower for us to find a certain hat. 2. Yes I know ROBLOX+ has it to where we can search for it, but sadly, mine isn't working at the moment. 3. I just got a new limited, and right now i'm trying to make a outfit with it. But I can't since ROBLOX removed it because I memorized where some of my favorite hats are on a page. Also, ROBLOX+ isn't working. Now I literally can't find anything because it would be time-consuming and a waste of time. *TRIGGERED*
#212047008Thursday, March 16, 2017 3:35 AM GMT


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