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#212258157Saturday, March 18, 2017 4:45 PM GMT

Name: Jane Lannister Alias: -The Forgotten Lion -Princess of Casterly Rock Titles: -Royalty of the Westerlands -Family of House Lannister Mother: Rayna Baratheon Father: Jaime Lannister Allegiance: -House Lannister Birthplace: Casterly Rock, The Westerlands RP Age: 16 Culture: Andal Siblings: -William Lannister -Myrelle Lannister -Daenor Lannister -Daemony Lannister ___________________________________ Lady Jane Lannister, better known simply ## Jane Lannister or The Forgotten Lion, is the youngest daughter of Princess Rayna Baratheon and Lord Hand Jaime Lannister, she was shipped off to Pentos in the Free cities ## soon ## she was born. She is given to Illyrio Mopatis by Princess Rayna Baratheon, Rayna had only Illyrio in the Free Cities as IIIyrio protected Daenerys and Rayna's father, Rhaegar on their visit to Pentos, leaving Daenerys behind. Jane lived with IIIyrio Mopatis and she considered him an uncle, as soon as Jane turned 16 years old, IIyrio died giving Jane back to Casterly Rock and her parents. When Jane reached Lannisport, the capital city of the Westerlands, Rayna's handmaiden, Leah told Rayna that a ship has come from the Free Cities, Rayna hugged Jane and they spoke of IIlyrio and his unfortunate death that had reached Casterly Rock as soon as Jane was brought to Rayna. She met her father Jaime in King's Landing and they were happy. The people starred at the carriage and Jane was never seen by the small folk before, so they were happy of Jane's return as the Lannisters are beloved by their people. Jane's return brought back happiness to Rayna and Jaime, Jane had grown her beautiful Lannister locks of hair. ___________________________________

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