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#212303891Sunday, March 19, 2017 3:38 AM GMT

[NHA] National Handball Association Rulebook Version 1.0 1. Starting a game- To start a game there must be at least one eligible ref to ref the game. There also must be at least three players on each team to play. The minimum is 3 v 3 and maximum is 9 v 9. Goalkeepers are not mandatory to use. The start of the game is when the ref drops the ball from mid field and the two teams charge at the ball. 2. Passes- Any player can pass the ball. Once a player is tackled with the ball he must immediately throw it up or away. If a player purposely waits for his screen to reset to throw the ball, it will be a foul and automatic turnover. 3. Fouls- 3a- Illegal Hitting: Once a player is tackled if a team continues to tackle it will be a foul and will be a foul shot (see 4.) 3b- Offsides: If a player crosses the opponents red line without being pushed it will be called as an offsides, if the player is on offense it will be an automatic turnover, if the player is on defense it will be a warning. Three warnings= Ejection. 3c- Amassed Lagging: When a player is found lagging hard a lot and making an impact in a game from it, the ref will tell the coach to bench him, if that team has 3 players the ref will give the player five minutes to fix it or the team forfeits. 3d- Goaltending: When two or more people on defense are behind the red line when the ball is shot. Result: Point shooting team. 4. Foul Shot- The player who has been found can stand anywhere on the 20 yard line. The defending team is allowed two players in the goal the rest have to be on the side along with the team on the offensive team. The player must shoot and can only shoot once. 5. General Rules: Goalkeepers can leave the goal with the ball. Players can not score with the ball unless passed the fifty yard line. The sides are legal players can shoot from beyond the fifty if they are on the sides. To sub a coach must teleport their players from the spawn area. Join Here: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2790859

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