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#212339573Sunday, March 19, 2017 5:27 PM GMT

[ATF] Ed's Essential Trade Co. This app may require you to read the ATF6 guides and the Ed's Essential Trade Co. guide. - When was the flash:- Who caused it:- What are the main factions of ATF:- When and Where were these series set: After the flash 1:- After the flash 2:- After the flash 3:- After the flash 5:- After the flash 6:- When did the Atlanta crisis happend:- List some basic rules of ATF:- - What do we sell:- With who do we stand:- What is our equipment:- What do you do when you are under attack:- What are we:- - Your char's basic information:- Your char's backstory:- _ Sent This to Contractor+

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