Hello, my name is Charlee. My main account is DULLYGODDESS but it's currently banned for 3 days.
My desired position to be is Administrator/Designer or Moderator if I can't get those top 2.
My main account because I log on sometimes in the weekdays and active in the weekends.
Honestly, It's NBA Hoops/Phenom. You can ask any of my friends because legit that's all I play since 2014.
Well, I can help Renegade out with some designs but I see you guys already have flahmes and daddyversace so I might not be no help with my designs compared to theirs. I'm willing to improve and I've hit over 5k sales in just one year. On the other part, I want to be Administrator for the longest time in this game. I don't wanna be admin just to show off to my friends because that's really stupid to be honest. I just want people to have a good time in a server and I can get rid of the people that are being obnoxious, exploiting, ect. Also, I'm in big groups such as Trill Ent and Zone 6 which can bring a lot of people. Also, I've been an HR in many groups before so I kinda get the jist of it.