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#212386937Monday, March 20, 2017 4:37 AM GMT

Name: Tyrion Lannister Alias: -The Imp -Halfman -The boyman -Giant of Lannister -Lord Tywin's Doom -Lord Tywin's Bane -Yollo -Hugor Hill -No-nose -Freak -Dwarf -redhands Titles: -Acting Lord of Casterly Rock -Lord -Ser Mother: Joanna Lannister Father: Tywin Lannister Allegiance: -House Lannister Wedded: -Tysha (1st) Birthplace: Casterly Rock, The Westerlands RP Age: 38 Culture: Andal Siblings: -{Aliandra} -Jaime Lannister -Cersei Lannister ___________________________________ Lord Tyrion Lannister is a member of House Lannister and is the third and youngest child of Lady Joanna & Lord Tywin Lannister, his older siblings are Cersei and Jaime Lannister. Tyrion was born a dwarf and remained a dwarf and is mocked because of this he is sometimes called "The Imp" and "The Halfman." Tyrion is born in the year 273 BC, as the third-fourth child to Lord Tywin and Lady Joanna Lannister, as Ty##on turned out to be a dwarf, Tywin sometimes considered him useless in battle, but reconsiders that opinion after finding out that he is more clever then Tywin thinks he is. As soon as Tyrion's unusual birth of being born a dwarf, rumours are spreaded immediately all over the Seven Kingdoms. At Oldtown it was said Tyrion was born a Monster, evil eyes, thick black hair, lions claws and teeth so long he couldn't close them. It is rumoured that Tyrion's birth is to bring plague and war, Joanna is outraged by these rumours and gossip and explains how they're all picking on a little child. Tyrion's childhood was bad, he was often lonely ## Cersei travelling the Seven Kingdoms and Jaime's trail ## a Kingsguard. His uncles taught him some thing called "tumbling" for about half a year but once Lord Tywin got back from King's Landing he forbade it, Tyrion then wanted to become the High Septon at the age of 13, he was rejected due to being a dwarf. When Tyrion became an adult, he was fighting some bandits off with his brother, Jaime in Casterly Rock, there meeting a common girl named Tysha, he got to know her, secretly wedded her and brought her to Casterly Rock, where Cersei had her killed. Tyrion lives today In Casterly Rock.

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