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#212395091Monday, March 20, 2017 8:16 AM GMT

Name: Lynora Hill Alias: -Jason's Illegitimate Daughter -Maid Lynora -Joanna's sister Mother: UNKNOWN Father: Jason Lannister Titles: -Lion Council -Maid -Nobility of the West -Advisor to Lady Joanna Lannister Allegiance: -House Lannister Birthplace: Deep Den, The Westerlands RP Age: 17 Culture: Westernmen ___________________________________ Lynora Hill, better known ## Jason's illegitimate daughter or now days known as Lady Joanna's sister is an illegitimate daughter of Ser Jason Lannister, and another unknown woman. Lynora Hill served ## a maid in Casterly Rock, she used to be Head of Handmaidens in Casterly Rock, on commanders of Tytos Lannister, he said he did it because "her father is a Lannister." Which is obviously unfair to better handmaidens that would've done a better job as she had. Lynora Hill is a girl of 17 years old, she is sent to serve as a house maid for Tywin Lannister after Tytos's death realising that Lynora wasn't good at her job as Head of Handmaidens and Tywin considered illegitimate children to ## #### from shame and that they were a bad omen, Lady Joanna was outraged by this especially when Tywin aimed it at her step sister or what Joanna so called her a sister to her, this shocked the Court of Casterly Rock but Tywin loved Joanna he would do anything for her so he let her be Joanna's handmaiden instead of sending Lynora elsewhere. Lynora Hill remains at Casterly Rock as handmaiden and advisor for her sister, Lady Joanna Lannister, mother of Lord Hand Jaime Lannister. __________________________________

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