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#212630385Thursday, March 23, 2017 7:08 PM GMT

Docklands Department of Homeland Security Rules & Guidelines _______________________________________________________ I - Introduction II - Terms and Conditions III - Qualifications and Requirements IV - Homeland Security Gate Conduct V - Uniforms VI - Tryouts VII - Trainings VIII - Activity IX - Government Property X - Lockdowns XI - Other Docklands Departments XII- Aviation Air space XIII - Contract XIV - Final Oath ____________________________________________ Introduction The Department of Homeland Security was created by the high command of the State of Docklands to allow an agency to focus on and solely on the protection of government property and officials.The Department of Homeland Security deploy for State of Emergencies and other kind of Emergencies (requiring the department) within Docklands. This Department is a strict and hard department to get into, we work hard and always try our best. ____________________________________________ II - Terms and Conditions Here are a few terms you MUST follow while in Docklands HLS. Failing to abide to the terms and conditions will lead to immediate termination of the agent's contract. As a HLS agent you will promise to respect everyone to the High Command to the High ranks and even your fellow agents. And also must promise to respect all Government Officials. As your in this department all tech and information are to stay in HLS and not leave HLS, this also includes operations and such. Any agent who leaks any classified information will be trialled in court immediately. As a agent you must always be mature at all times, foolishness is not acceptable which will lead to a suspension. Must tell a High Command agent (Chief of Staff+) about being inactive or going on a vacation being inactive it not acceptable and will result in a possible exile. You MUST follow all Docklands laws, you are not above the law in any way. Report any acts which breach laws/rules/guidelines executed by other department members to the Deputy Secretary/Chief of Staff with proof. ____________________________________ III - Qualifications and Requirements Must have no past criminal history or ever been AoS within State of Docklands. Must have a skype, discord or some way to contact you incase of an emergency. Not be trello banned on either HLS or SoD. Must not be blacklisted within HLS. Must have an account age over 250 days. Must NOT have safechat. NO ALTS ARE PERMITTED IN HLS. You must not have had a previous exile order from the Department of Homeland Security (these can be appealed by written request to the Sec of HLS), unless in the event of a reform. You must be a Legal Citizen or above (excluding State Penitentiary) to be even considered to be allowed to try out for the Department of Homeland Security _________________________________ IV - Homeland Security Gate Conduct While on the Homeland Security Team as on-duty you are to post at a capitol entrance/gate you are NOT all to leave your posts as only one person should. If someone who is unauthorized is on the government access road without reason you notify them that they have 30 seconds to vacate the premises. You begin counting down from 30. If the unauthorized person refuse to vacate the area you may shoot the person as a warning. If they refuse to leave or retaliate you may shoot the person until they're exterminated. If someone is to be arrested they must be read their miranda rights. DPD has no purpose at checkpoint/s and are not allowed there this goes with all Docklands Departments. National Guard along with the State Troopers are allowed at Capitol grounds ONLY if requested. List of departments that are restricted: DPD and its branches, DPPS , etc Government Officials at the checkpoint are allowed inside Capitol grounds once they have been frisked. Please notify them that loitering at the Homeland Security checkpoint is not tolerable and has the ability to cause public safety concerns. Capital Staff at the checkpoint are only allowed inside with their Government Official or as a guest of another Government Official Hostile are to be shot to kill/arrested on sight (KoS/AoS) _____________________________ V - Uniforms Uniforms are REQUIRED at all HLS events you also MUST have uniform while on duty. ( i.e Meetings, Trainings , tryouts, etc. ) If you can’t afford uniform then DO NOT go on duty! Use a suit during trainings if you can’t afford one. _____________________________ VI - Tryouts When attending a tryout you will need to wear a suit or the uniform. You will follow all instructions of the host and accept that failure to do so will lead to banishment from the try out and a possible black list depending on the extent of the disciplinary issue. TRY OUTS CAN ONLY BE HOSTED BY CoS+ (Or a HR, but needs Sec or Deputy Sec approval and/or supervision) _______________________ VII - Trainings Trainings enable you to excel through the ranks of the Department of Homeland Security. TRAININGS CAN ONLY BE HOSTED BY Chief Advisor+ [And can be Co-hosted by an AB, or AB can host divisional trainings]

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