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#212656754Friday, March 24, 2017 1:00 AM GMT

Note:If you have not read or seen the movie The Road please check it out to understand the plot! My character sheet Name: Leon Morningstar Age: 23 Height:5'9 Nationality:??? Skills: Knife combat and psychology. Right eye color: Blue Left eye color: Blue Hair color: White due to Marie Antoinette syndrome Plot of character: A man who wanders down the road...Carrying a slinged shotgun over his shoulder, and a handgun in his pockets... He repeats a quote..."Only the unknown frightens man,but once that fear is faced it becomes the known." (Forget the guy who created the quote) Personality: Sadistic,but kind.
#212656840Friday, March 24, 2017 1:01 AM GMT

Oh by the way The Road is a apocalyptic movie (No zombies are in the movie or book so to stay true to the book and movie we will not include zombies.)
#212657046Friday, March 24, 2017 1:03 AM GMT

Note: We the viewers do not know how the apocalypse in the road started so do not play a role as a character that knows everything about what happened.
#212657582Friday, March 24, 2017 1:10 AM GMT

Rules: *ODing* Please do not OD as it is against roblox's rules. *Violence* Though there is violence please do not make it extremly violent, and graphic. *Swearing* Please do not swear as it is once again against the rules of roblox. *Disagreements* If you have any disagreements please handle it in a calm mature way, and if someone is "Fail roleplaying" then politely correct their mistakes and move on. If you want to have a debate please do it on another forum. *Hateful speech* Please do not insult anyone in a extreme hateful way. If you do it in RP and keep it below the Mature rating then it will be just fine. *How to roleplay* Please when you are in character RP like this in the example down below (Character name):W-what she is dead?!?! To do actions use a symbol like the following example Bob:-He sighed as he stared at the photo.- (You can speak in first or third person) That is all folks!
#212669075Friday, March 24, 2017 3:43 AM GMT

Name : Simon Whitaker Age : 37 Nationally : American Height : 5'11 Skills : His agility Eye Color : Green Hair Color : Brown Plot of Character : A man who attempts to mostly steer clear if the road, if he has too, He will walk on it. He carrieds a snub-nose revolver in his trench coat pocket. Personality : Suspicious at first, but tend to open up to those he trusts.
#212747675Saturday, March 25, 2017 7:08 AM GMT

Leon Morningstar: -I'd toy around with a molotov examining it

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