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#212684889Friday, March 24, 2017 11:25 AM GMT

During the expansion ages of the western kingdom when farmland had risen up and villages were being built on It's borders, a dark terror had awoken from It's long sleep. Deep down in the great northern territories a large force of unknown decent or origin had emerged from the snowy mountains overlooking the west. Insane creatures the size of a man but much bulkier, were seen by western scouts in thick spiky helmets, armour, swords and shields charging and killing a convoy of farmers. The scouts quickly rushed back to their liege to warn them of the dangers of a impending attack that was to come. When the king heard these reports from the scouts, he was terrified himself only imagining what these foul beast would look like, and the flames and screams all over his land. The western king, unable to raise a army to match the chaos force, places forward his only available source of armed force, his elite order, the storm riders. These men and women were bred and trained for these moments of history to fight and die until they win or lose the battle. The unknown enemy made a unexpected move toward the river town which had just been finished from construction. The dark force moves It's army closer to the town in range of sight. A villager who spots the incoming army rings the bell to alert the town of danger. A rider from the town quickly goes to the western castle town to warn that the enemy has made It's move on the border. The town quickly fell to the dark force. With the town on the central and western border destroyed, the westerners were cut off from the rest of the realm only left to fend for themselves until support from the central and eastern kingdom arrives. The king knew there could be no further delay so he commands the commander of the storm riders, Kendall and his men to ride out and face them enemy on a mounted assault in the open plains. There the enemy was, lined into ranks near the town with no pole arm weapons. Kendall saw as a advantage and so he ordered the sounding of the horn, commanding them to charge straight at the enemy. The mindless beast would charge back. Both sides let out a loud war cry as they charged at each other and clashed in the middle. Both sides clashed and the battle raged on. For every storm rider that died 5 of the dark beast would fall before their sword. But it wasn't enough, Kendall and the remaining 10 dismounted storm rider men were in a circle formation but were encircled by the enemy and were cut off from escape. The enemy would charge at the remnants of the storm riders to kill them once and for all. The battle came to a end when the storm riders fell along with commander kendal but was costly for the enemy. Bodies of dead human soldiers and dark troops littered the field of battle, banners of the storm riders were stuck into the ground with the banner itself moving in the direction of the fog and wind. The remaining troops of the unknown enemy scattered back to the north, never returning again. A few months after the battle, kings from all the kingdoms banded together in building a magical wall that would be a barrier to protect the realm against the evil beast and anything beyond from returning. The storm riders were remembered in many legends as heroes. Eventually, the men who fought on that day were forgotten, but the storm riders was a name to be seen in books for those out in azura who were curious enough to read.

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