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#212701027Friday, March 24, 2017 5:22 PM GMT

RULES: The Shake Shack rules are for EVERYONE. Never mind which ranks all staff MUST follow these at all times as it has that possibility of a demotion! Rule ### ####### ## needed all time to staff, its fine if your a Customer but staff please do as we want our Restaurant to be professional not like we are all lazy and cannot be bothered to do anything. Rule 2b: Kicking a player (:kick username) without a HR's permission can be took as a warning. Rules 3c: Hackers or Exploiters in server is a common thing taht you would expect. If you see this at anytime during working call a HR or contact us on Discord straight away or if HR is there, HR's please ban/kick them. Rule 4d: ## ### ##### you have a report or concern please message or contact a HR or Discord instead of not saying as we want our Restaurant to be a safe and happy environment place! Kind Regards, Blivix

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