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#212719567Friday, March 24, 2017 11:06 PM GMT

Hello! I'm Alex, and I am a very close friend of Moons! We have renamed the company to Yummy's Tropical, and we are proud to have! As a future employee of Tropical, I have been asked to do a application how-to! Now, in the comments, we wouldn't like you to give us your application, as it is too early, and we don't even have a group, and please don't give negative comments either! When we do have a group, we must get applications. Here is how to give it to us: VISIT THE CAFE WHEN THERE ARE INTERVIEWS. We don't want a written application not face to face, but we want to SEE you. We love this job! Here is a list of rules to follow if you want the job: - GRAMMAR! - Be nice, even if you don't pass! - Try try again! Now, here is the list of questions! I discussed this with Moon, to make sure we agree what is here. - Why do you wanna work here? - If you see a ha######o you do? - If the customer orders something not on the menu, you... - When an employee does something bad, they get a warning, and if the ignore it, they get... - If you see a person non-stop hacking, who do you call? - Do you think that Tropical wants your services? Why? - Flaws? It's okay to have some, we just wanna know. How many times have you gotten reported? Thank you for reading! -Alex
#212719655Friday, March 24, 2017 11:08 PM GMT

Hello! This account is shared by every employee here! We write on this account. Thank you, just would like to let you guys know before suspicion rose! - Moon
#212720205Friday, March 24, 2017 11:16 PM GMT

i rather play riblix
#212758835Saturday, March 25, 2017 1:31 PM GMT

Hi, it's Alex again. I am terribly sorry you didn't enjoy this post, though you shouldn't hate on Moon for it. Please restrain from negative comments, or they will be deleted! But if there is anything here you would rather change, please let us know by a brief comment, but make sure it is age appropriate. If you don't like this kind of group, please don't view our posts. Thank you, Alex from Customer Service

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