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#212725485Saturday, March 25, 2017 12:40 AM GMT

Hello there! This is the rank guide for The New Brigade, a roleplay faction group for Far Lands! [LR] Recruit: Recruits will be armorless and will not be sent into combat. They are armed with used swords that are no longer used by other ranks. They wear clothing such as brown cloth or white cloth, and a band around the piece of cloth with the logo for The New Brigade on the side of it. They don’t use horses. They are mostly kept at the castle for training till they reach the next rank. [LR] Infantry: Infantry will be armed with armor of usually chainlink. They most commonly wear helmets such as Romans did, but different design. They most commonly use spears of iron and swords of iron. They are most commonly sent into the combat rather than a Knight. [LR] Archer: Archers will be armed with chainlink armor. They use bows made of wood. They can use flaming arrows in cases of defense, but when sent into combat, they remain behind the infantry and fire over them, at the enemy side. [MR] Knight: Knights most commonly wear armor made of iron. They use strong swords that are new and never used. They wear capes on the right shoulder. White capes are for new Knights, who have only been a Knight for one month or less. Blue capes are for Knights who have been a Knight for more than two months to a year. Green capes are for Knights who are one year or old over one year old as a Knight. Blue capes, yellow capes, and purple capes are overlord knights. [MR] Foot Lt.: Foot Lt. wear chainlink covered by a trench coat. They are armed with short swords of iron and a spear with a bow. They wear helmets similar to what Knight would, but without a face cover. [HR] Infantry Commander: Commands the infantry and wears plate armor. They aren’t usually sent to combat, as they command/control the infantry. [HR] Contract Organizer: Commands contractors. Wears no armor. Remains in the kingdom and organize stuff. [HR] Marshal: Wears plate armor. Commands forces/troops. [HR] Lord’s Hand: Side-by-side with the Lord. Will always support the Lord. They are in charge when the Lord isn’t around. They wear iron armor with gold surrounding the edges of the armor and a jewel in the center of the chestplate. The jewel is most commonly blue, but can sometimes be red or green. Jasper, the Lord: The Lord of the Kingdom. Controls and commands all.

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