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#21276648Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:33 PM GMT

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#21276711Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:34 PM GMT

They should be stopped. There's no direct reference to smoking in the ToS, but it implies it.
#21276840Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:38 PM GMT

un-needed caps, also, I agree.
#21276842Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:38 PM GMT

I Know, Its Bad that we have these models, We dont need them, I Think We should have people Moderate Models, Just like We have Forum and Image Moderators.
#21276948Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:41 PM GMT

(Bump) I Need Some Support here.
#21276993Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:42 PM GMT

And again with the caps.
#21277023Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:43 PM GMT

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#21277134Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:46 PM GMT

Im Sorry, Im just a Big fan of Capital Letters. But Exaclty We dont Need Tobacco References Or any Violence. Nor do we need Encouragment to smoke.
#21277155Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:47 PM GMT

I support this, but if there are modelmoderators then we'll have to come up with some new rules for that...
#21277160Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:47 PM GMT

I'm gonna start ignoring this thread...
#21277194Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:48 PM GMT

Agree'd We will need New Rules, The Annoying Thing about Moderators for Models is that They will spend Alot of time Going through safe models when we still want them to have fun.
#21277334Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:52 PM GMT

#21277403Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:54 PM GMT

If ya think that's bad...then just wait until they start making booze and...nevermind. I once got a 3-day ban in a Pirate's Life for saying "Time flies when you're having rum". >_>
#21277606Thursday, February 18, 2010 6:00 PM GMT

thats not very far fpr people trying to quit just think tennager playing roblox then hes see the ciggarette reminded its i dont think this sould realy be on roblox its bad enough its in the real world i wouldent coplian if it was something promoteing to stop and not do it ciggarettes are deffently not good for roblox i personla think that b e a r sorry i dont know if that word would violate anthing becouse its not encorugeing it but i dont realy think that would do anything couse im preety sure roblox soda would serve the same purpass
#21290537Thursday, February 18, 2010 10:45 PM GMT

Exactly thats Somehwhat kinda what i mean.
#21290862Thursday, February 18, 2010 10:49 PM GMT

I have seen alot worse than this......Such as stuff you are not meant to learn about til you are about 16 (Just saying) so if you thought that was bad.
#21291121Thursday, February 18, 2010 10:53 PM GMT

The Super Moderators DO moderate models. The reported ones at least. But I do think that their should be model moderators.
#21292464Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:11 PM GMT

We should have a model mod.
#21292667Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:14 PM GMT

Good. If this is a 'Kid Friendly' game, then why are people doing this?!?! People don't understand that concept. You guys, if you do, have, or want to, leave Roblox and find some other website to do that on that isn't Kid Friendly.
#21292820Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:16 PM GMT

This game is A FRIENDLY ONLINE SOCIETY WHERE KIDS GET TO RELEASE THEIR CREATIVITY ON ROBLOX. It's not supposed to be about smoking or all that bad stuff. It should stop. We need to moderate the models closer.
#21292976Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:19 PM GMT

I agreee. All these inappropriate models should stop. I can barely handle all the spam, now this to!? It is really is getting out of hand.
#21293477Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:26 PM GMT

I agree but basicly this can be considered a spam thread because its not a sugestion to ROBLOX itself... But I agree COMPLETELY.
#21293509Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:27 PM GMT

You must fail with Proper Nouns.. aparrently every noun you use is proper XD (capital letters, lol)
#21299416Friday, February 19, 2010 12:48 AM GMT

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#21299890Friday, February 19, 2010 12:55 AM GMT

I Have Rcently Tried to find some Example of the models And heres some Results, If you go through the Pages Carefully You cant Notive some. http://www.roblox.com/Catalog.aspx?m=RecentlyUpdated&c=10&t=PastWeek&d=All&q=Smoking&p=1&mn=-9223372036854775808&mx=9223372036854775807

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