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#212771082Saturday, March 25, 2017 5:36 PM GMT

Low-Rank Primary Weapons: Hyke-7.62 Sparo-7.62 M14-7.62 ABR-7.62 Low-Rank Secondary Weapons: ####### M1911-.45 SH-9m Medium Rank Primary Weapons: Vindicator-7.62 Hopper-7.62 Reiner-5.56 Medium Rank Secondary Weapons: Quiman17-m9 PM8-9m Colt-.45 High-Rank Primary Weapons: MR01-5.56 NorteL3-.45 Levi3-5.56 VSS-.39 TSR29-5.56 High-Rank Secondary Weapons: ShockBreach Hawker-.357 BHP-m9 S.Makarov-.18 General, Admins and Founders May use all weapons All members must spawn ## ###### ###### All members must prove they are fit to be one of us if proven unfit will result in exile. If they are not attending jobs, Rps or training and are very inactive it will result in exile. When in role play you must not randomly attack, harm, rob or anything or the sort without being attacked first or paid. If attacked you may fight back.

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