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#21281251Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:07 PM GMT

Lets say you and some guy start arguing about who pwns the most. You COULD just go somewhere and swordfight, but what if... There was an actual system? Say, you walk up to a person, and click on them. A menu would pop up, and would have a number of things, such as send friend request, delete friend, make best friend, send message, start private ingame chat, view clothing, view statistics, etc. But what if it also had a button called "Challenge to a Duel"? lets say you click it. A little tab somwhere on the screen pops up on the challenged persons screen and says "So and so has challenged you to a duel. Accept or decline?" Lets say that guy accepts. Another menu pops up. It has a few things on it, such as gear types allowed in the fight, are weapons from this game allowed, how much robux/tix you want to bet on yourself, how many rounds, how many kills per round, winning conditions (aka best ratio, most kills, or least deaths), quitting penalties (auto forfeit, or no punishment), a cancel button and an accept button. The menu would be displayed on both players screens. Once both players had accepted the terms, they would be given gear from their inventory that matched the terms as well as the weapons from the starterpack if that was aggreed upon in the duel terms. Then they would fight in whatever place they were in. Once one player reached the allotted number of kills against the other player, the next round would start. This would continue until all rounds were finished, and a winner was chosen by the aggreed terms. Then the winner would be rewarded with the money allotted for the duel, which would be taken out of the losers account. Then a statistic in on his profile, called "Duel Victories" would increase by one. Then loser would have a statistic on his profile called "Duel Losses" go up by one. Is it a good idea, or a bad idea?
#21282451Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:36 PM GMT

Scriptable. It will not be wanted in social places/obbies as it can used to abuse.
#21282654Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:40 PM GMT

No. Roblox is not a violence game and it could be abused like so, Noob:Ay newb! Yoo wanna duuuul? Barnslig101: Err no... Noob: Okaz! *Noob starts rapidly clicking the duel button to annoy Barnslig101* Barnslig101: You noob! Why did ROBLOX make this stupid idea!
#21282878Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:44 PM GMT

Funny why wont you look at the good side of this idea. ? all you do is put something bad why wont you putsometgin that actually would help him. LIke dueling is good because it could show how well to people are in a controled way and test .
#21282944Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:46 PM GMT

Then make a duelling place.
#21284023Thursday, February 18, 2010 9:05 PM GMT

Because if you said too much of the good things you'll forget the bad things. What the original post should say is all the good stuff, we just find it's defects and flaws.
#21284421Thursday, February 18, 2010 9:13 PM GMT

I like the idea. But, it should be in only fighting games. It sounds like a long process, but it can be done.
#21284637Thursday, February 18, 2010 9:16 PM GMT

why not make it so theres an option to switch who can send you duel requests like anyone,friends,best friends,nobody?
Top 50 Poster
#21284777Thursday, February 18, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

Script it.
#21287191Thursday, February 18, 2010 9:55 PM GMT

on configure place you could allow dueling and for people who say script it. 1. not everyone can do that 2. he means in any place
#21291772Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:02 PM GMT

Modifications to facilitate objectionable parts of my suggestion as well as notes to clear up misunderstandings.. Here! Poblem 1 - It would mess up social games. Solutions and notes to Problem 1 - 1. Change - There would be another checkbox in a places configure page allowing or disallowing duels 2. Note - I forgot to put in that only gear types allowed for normal use as selected by the creator would be allowed in a duel. Poblem 2 - It is scriptable, thus there is no good reason for it to be made into a feature for all games. Solutions and notes to Problem 2 - 1. Note - I suggested this because you can't have a entirely fair fight everywhere you go, and because it hasn't been made by any uber-scripter yet, and i know i couldn't manage to make it. I also think there should be a way to earn money through fighting, and a good practical reason to buy gear. Poblem 3 - It will encourage violence, so it shouldn't exist. Solutions and notes to Problem 3 - 1. Note - We already have a modern military section in the games page, swords and lazers are everywhere, and we can even buy weapons in the catalog. Allowing us to organize how we use our weapons would actually encourage players not to just go running around slaughtering other players randomly, but to ask if someone will fight with them, and play to aggreed rules. Poblem 4 - People will spam other players with duel requests, so your whole idea fails! Solutions and notes to Problem 4 - 1. Note - I'm hoping that by the time anything i suggested gets made, we'll have ignore lists. With an ignore list, we would easily be able to restrict who could duel us.. 2. Change - Perhaps after a duel was declined, a duel couldn't be requested by the same person for another 4-5 minutes? Any other problems with my suggestion, or any problems with my changes?
#21294780Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:43 PM GMT

Bump. I'd like more input.
#21295002Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:46 PM GMT

Abusable...People would rapiddly click duel on a social game...
#21295044Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:47 PM GMT

I already explained something to fix that in my post. New input please?
#21295209Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:49 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#21295425Thursday, February 18, 2010 11:52 PM GMT

@ puggerisuse The purpose of betting on a duel would be to- 1. Make a reason to spend time dueling 2. Stop players from betting on a duel themselves and then getting scammed Also, i understand that we can't gamble on roblox. I'd bet willing to bet though, (bet, lol) that if they called it something like "Reward", or "Wager" that it would be fine.

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