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#212960336Tuesday, March 28, 2017 2:38 AM GMT

The following are the rank tags corresponding to each rank in Roblox Night Wing. You are required to have use your corresponding tag in discord. If you do not have the appropriate tag, your perms may be removed. Low Ranks: Private - [PVT] Private First Class - [PFC] Corporal - [CPL] Lance Corporal - [L CPL] Sergeant - [SGT] Staff Sergeant - [S SGT] Mid Ranks: Second Lieutenant - [2ND LT] First Lieutenant - [1ST LT] High Ranks: Captain - [CAP] Colonel - [COL] High Command: General - [GEN] Grand General - [G GEN] Commander - [COM] To change your nickname on Discord, right-click on your name and select "Change Nickname."

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