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#213026953Wednesday, March 29, 2017 3:44 AM GMT

Hello Citizens of New York! Do you want an active, responsible, ####### calm, experienced and trustful Deputy Commissioner who will always listen to your suggestions? A Deputy that will rightfully do his job? A Deputy that will protect New York and everything it stands for? If so, then support me for your deputy commissioner today! {Intro} I am happy to announce to the state of New York and you, the Citizens of New York that I will be running for Deputy Commissioner of The New York Police!. I would like to ask for your support in my undertaking of this position. As you may or may not know I had the privilege of being the Deputy Commissioner in East Amherst! And I hope to become the Deputy Commissioner for the New York Police! Most importantly, we need someone who will exhibit leadership and fortitude to rise above petty partisan bickering and position New York to take the mantle as the rising star city it is. I have spent a lot of time in this ##### walking its streets and talking to its people. I know that many of you feel as I do, that beneath our feet lies a well of untapped potential. It's a potential that can be harnessed only with the reins of dedicated leadership and visionary talent. I say this because I have that leadership and talent. Many times I have found myself disappointed by our absentee leadership. I have waited for those who say they know what is best for New York to stand up and take the initiative. We haven't seen any kind of initiative from the past Mayor during these last couple weeks. If you should entrust me with the great responsibility of strengthening our community, the citizens of New York. {Conclusion} It is my sincere hope that you will consider me for your Mayor. I will break my back to do everything I can for New York, and for you. "Never reach out your hand unless you're willing to extend an arm."- Pope######### Thank you for your time and support. -Inspector Slenderkiller197
#213038861Wednesday, March 29, 2017 11:37 AM GMT

There may be no spots,

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